Workshop Tarian Bali di Negeri Thailand Program AMDC 2020

Kiriman : I Wayan Budiarsa (Jurusan/ Prodi Tari FSP ISI Denpasar)

AbstrakAsean Music and Dance Connectivity (AMDC) merupakan program yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun yang diikuti oleh negara-negara Asia seperti Indonesia, Thailand, Kambodja, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapura, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, dan Filipina. Tahun 2020 kegiatan AMDC dilaksanakan di Thailand, mulai dari 18-26 Januari 2020 terpusat di Rajabhat University dan di Suphan Buri College of Fine Arts, organizes ASEAN traditional music, dance. Materi workshop yang dibawakan oleh para instruktur diikuti oleh para siswa dan mahasiswa, dan adapun dari Indonesia (Bali) materinya adalah tari Baris Gede, tari Rejang Dewa, dan tari Cak.
Kata kunci: workshop, AMDC 2020 Thailand, Indonesia, Bali.

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Bali Bhuwana Waskita ISI Denpasar, Global Melancholia and Digital Literacy During the Pandemic

Bali Bhuwana Waskita ISI Denpasar, Global Melancholia and Digital Literacy During the Pandemic

The international CONFERENCE of Global Arts Creativity, Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar presented 12 reputable figures, ranging from global scholars, renowned artists, influential researchers, to professionals with integrity from both government and independent institutions. The conference lasted for three days and was opened on Tuesday (28/9/2021) by the Chancellor of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. Wayan “Kun” Adnyana. Acting as a keynote speaker: Chairman of the Indonesian Consultative Assembly (MPR), Bambang Soesatyo. S.E., M.B.A. The international conference for the series of Bali Padma Bhuwana I Festivals in 2021 with the theme “Prospective, Environment, and New Paradigm”.  This conference also received papers from various participants in the academic area.

The twelve reputable figures are Dr. M. Fadjroel Rahman (President’s Special Staff for Communication), A.A. Gde Rai (founder of Agung Rai Museum of Art, Ubud), Dr. S.T. Sunardi (lecturer at Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta), Dr. Carmencita Palermo (Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Australia), Dr. Michael Carlos Barrios Kleiss (Professor at Clemson University, United States), Prof. Dr. I Wayan Rai S. (Professor of ISI Denpasar), Dr. Arief Datoem (lecturer at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan), Dr. Linda McIntosh (Xieng Khuoang Museum, Laos), Dr. Thieny Lee (Director of Thieny Lee Gallery, Australia), Ananda Sukarlan (Indonesian classical music composer), Prof. Dr. Matthew Issac Cohen (lecturer at the University of Connecticut, United States), and Dr. I Ketut Muka (Lecturer at the ISI Denpasar). This international conference also involves an international reviewer, Prof. Dr. Adrian Vickers (University of Sydney, Australia), Prof. Dr. I Wayan Dibia (ISI Denpasar), Prof. Dr. M. Dwi Marianto (ISI Yogyakarta), Prof. Dr. Nyoman Dharma Putra (Udayana University), and Prof. Dr. Made Mantle Hood (Tainan National University, Taiwan).

Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo in his paper stated that Indonesia is a big country that has a wealth of cultural arts. “It is important to hold cultural literacy to arouse the interest of the younger generation to explore, study, and appreciate the nation’s culture, as part of realizing the nation’s cultural resilience. Art and culture will always offer opportunities in various sectors of life. Appreciation is given to ISI Denpasar for its important role in producing quality human resources in the fields of arts and culture,” he said.

The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Kun Adnyana explained that ISI Denpasar with the new motto Global-Bali Arts and Creativity Center Hub (G-BACCH) builds a space for sustainable interdisciplinary dialogue, across nations, cultural plurality, and multiplicity of innovations in the format of the Global Arts Creativity international conference in the Bali-Bhuwana Waskita forum. “Understanding the global COVID-19 pandemic, this international conference is designed to strengthen solidarity among international scholars, professional figures, artists, and researchers, to share perspectives, build innovative ideas, values, and new findings,” he explained.

“We are facing the same situation, equal fear, and an unexpected challenge called the global COVID-19 pandemic. The world is experiencing shocks, human creativity is tested to simultaneously adapt and coexist with the pandemic to create innovations. The Bali-Bhuwana Waskita Forum brings together ideas and innovation pendulums from various nations,” said the Professor of Art History at ISI Denpasar.

The same thing was conveyed by Dr. S.T. Sunardi that during the covid-19 pandemic, the entire nation experienced melancholia; losing many loved things. The situation of global melancholia can be “treated” through artistic and cultural creativity. Presidential Special Staff (Spokesperson) for Communications, M.Fadjroel Rahman, in his presentation of the paper, explained that during the pandemic, hoax information flows are very dominant compared to accurate data-based information. “Information or hoax news spreads through social media massively to form an infodemic (information pandemic), so digital literacy is needed for all generations of the nation,” explained the democracy activist who is also a candidate for Indonesian Ambassador to Tajikistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Bali-Bhuwana Waskita conference will last until Thursday (30/9) tomorrow with hot and relevant topics. For teachers, scholars, postgraduate students, artists, and professionals, it is still open to participate in very pious discussion sessions with a variety of new ideas.

Pelatihan Gending Sekatian Numpuk Pada Sekehe Gong Anak-Anak Cakra Swara Di Banjar Penestanan Kelod

Kiriman : I Wayan Diana Putra (Dosen Prodi Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan FSP ISI Denpasar)

Pelatihan Gending Sekatian Numpuk adalah sebuah aktualisasi edukasi mengenai gending-gending klasik kepada masyarakat. Gending Sekatian Numpuk diberikan pada sekehe gong anak-anak Cakra Swara di Banjar Penestanan Kelod. Selain untuk mengenalkan gending-gending klasik, pelatihan ini juga bertujuan untuk menggairahkan kembali pelatihan gamelan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penyajian Gending Sekatian tidak memerlukan jumlah penabuh yang banyak (20 orang), sehingga sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan pada masa pandemi Covid 19. Pelatihan Gending Sekatian Numpuk menggunakan tahapan Panca Sthiti Ngawi Sani dari I Wayan Dibia yaitu: ngawi rasa, ngawecak, ngarencana, ngewangun dan ngebah. Gending Sekatian Numpuk ini dilatih untuk memberikan perbendaharaan gending klasik untuk sekehe gong anak-anak Cakra Swara di Banjar Penestanan Kelod dan dapat dipergunakan pada saat acara piodalan di pura-pura lingkungan setempat.

Kata Kunci: Sekatian, Gending Numpuk, Penestanan Kelod

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Bali Bhuwana Waskita ISI Denpasar, Global Melancholia and Digital Literacy During the Pandemic

Bali-Bhuwana Waskita ISI Denpasar, Melankolia Global dan Literasi Digital Masa Pandemi

Bali-Bhuwana Waskita ISI Denpasar, Melankolia Global dan Literasi Digital Masa Pandemi
DENGAR PAPARAN – Rektor ISI Denpasar Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘’Kun’’ Adnyana didampingi A.A. Gde Rai (pendiri Agung Rai Museum of Art, Ubud) mendengar paparan Ketua MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo dalam konferensi internasional Global Arts Creativity ISI Denpasar, Selasa (28/9/2021). (

KONFERENSI internasional Global Arts Creativity Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar menghadirkan 12 tokoh bereputasi, mulai dari cendekiawan global, seniman ternama, peneliti berpengaruh, hingga profesional berintegritas baik dari lembaga pemerintah maupun independen. Konferensi berlangsung selama tiga hari dan dibuka Selasa (28/9/2021) oleh Rektor ISI Denpasar Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘’Kun’’ Adnyana. Bertindak sebagai pembicara kunci: Ketua Majelis Permusyawaratan (MPR)RI, Bambang Soesatyo. S.E., M.B.A. Konferensi internasional serangkaian Festival Bali Padma Bhuwana I tahun 2021 ini mengusung tema: Prospective, Environment, and New Paradigm.  Juga menyertakan belasan pembicara makalah pendamping. (Baca Selengkapnya)
