
Research publications in the form of journals and proceedings of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar
Young Lecturer Research
This PDP program is a program to increase lecturer resources in the field of research before entering higher-level schemes. This program is a basic learning for lecturers and must be followed several times as long as it still meets the requirements in this study

Art Research And Creation
The Art Research and Creation Program facilitates research funding support for proposers in arts colleges and non-art colleges that have art faculties or programs, to conduct research that leads to the creation and presentation of high-value art. facilitate creators, art presenters, and teams of art workers to participate in local, regional, national and international art performances, exhibitions and screenings that can directly raise the good name of the nation. facilitate the transformation of the downstream arts that can improve the nation’s character and character as well as support the development of the national and international arts industry
University Excellence Basic Research
Encouraging the acceleration of the achievement of the university’s research strategic plan in producing findings/theories/policies, especially in the field of basic research development. Encouraging researchers to conduct basic research in strategic strategic universities based on findings so as to produce inventions, either new methods, theories or new policies that have never existed before. Obtaining scientific capital in the form of realizing independence in the field of basic research which in the long term can be beneficial for the development of PTUPT in higher education. Increase the number and quality of lecturers’ scientific publications and build a network of collaboration between universities in the field of science and the same interests, so as to be able to grow institutional research capacity and innovation based on the development of unique and superior basic science universities

DRPM Funding Research
ISI Denpasar as an Intermediate Cluster Universities can carry out research in stages following the applicable regulations. In general, the stages of research activities are in accordance with the Research and Community Service Guidelines Edition XII of 2018 Directorate of Research and Community Service, Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, including: announcement, proposal, selection/appointment, determination, implementation, supervision, reporting, and assessment output.