ISI Denpasar Presents ‘Bali Padma Bhuwana’ Ballet to Start BAF 2019
Sumber : atnews.id
Denpasar, 18/5 (Atnews) – The Indonesia Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar will present the ‘Bali Padma Bhuwana’ Ballet on the opening night of the Bali Arts Festival (BAF) 2019.President Joko Widodo is scheduled to officially open the art scene at the Ardha Candra Amphitheater of the Denpasar Art Center.“Selection of the art composition telling about the golden period of King Dalem Waturenggong who incised the outstanding achievement of Balinese civilization,” said Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation Division of the ISI Denpasar, I Ketut Garwa, in Denpasar, Saturday (May 18).The performance having been carefully arranged for the BAF to be organized for a whole month from June 15 to July 13, 2019 with the theme of Bayu Pramana: Glorifying Wind Resources is in harmony with the vision of Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster, known as Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali through the Planned and Universal Development Pattern to take Bali toward New Era.He explained that Dalem Waturenggong incised the outstanding achievement of great Balinese civilization in the sixteenth century AD. His leadership is famous as a wise leader in controlling the government and having serious attention to the welfare of the people.For the sake of stability of the government and the harmony of Balinese people, King Dalem Waturenggong modeled the noble pillars having been achieved by his predecessors such as King Jaya Pangus and Sri Asta Sura Ratna Bhumi Banten.Besides, his successor namely Dalem Ketut Ngulesir invoked for the blessings from their predecessors and deities for the happiness of Balinese people physically by holding the Eka Dasa Rudra ceremony and the Homa Yadnya ritual.The performance that will take place for about 45 minutes has now reached completion of 50 percent by involving the artists from the best students in their respective field.The selection involved lecturers through rigorous selection so that the event will be really able to display the best. “On that account, it will bring in the good reputation of the ISI Denpasar and Bali in the public eyes,” he concluded. (ART/ika)