As a Guest Lecturer at the Film and Television Production Program, ISI Denpasar, Alffy Rev Shares Career Journey and Creative Process

As a Guest Lecturer at the Film and Television Production Program, ISI Denpasar, Alffy Rev Shares Career Journey and Creative Process

Photo: Alffy Rev posing with lecturers and students at the PFTV Program Laboratory, ISI Denpasar (10/4)

Students don’t always acquire knowledge solely from textbooks and lecturers. Often, especially among students, valuable insights come from experienced practitioners in their field. This philosophy underpins the Film and Television Production Program (PFTV) at the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Denpasar (ISI Denpasar), which recently hosted Alffy Rev as a guest lecturer on Wednesday, October 4, 2023.

The versatile director, renowned for his work, “Wonderland Indonesia,” delivered a lecture on Film and Television Directing in the PFTV Program Laboratory at ISI Denpasar. The lecture was attended by lecturers and students in 1, 3, and 5 semester in the PFTV Program.

Alffy Rev, whose real name is Awwalur Rizqi Al-firori, shared his journey in the creative industry from 2013 to 2023. He developed a passion for music while in vocational school and later found a new passion for directing, eventually gaining recognition for his outstanding work. He wanted students to see the evolution of his work and personal growth over this period, encouraging them to view themselves as constantly evolving individuals. “From 2013 to 2023, there were many interesting journeys. It’s not about immediately reaching ‘Wonderland Indonesia’; instead, there are crucial stages before ‘Wonderland Indonesia’ came to be,” said the man born on June 18, 1995, in Mojokerto.

He also emphasized that a director must possess a wide range of knowledge. Directors hold the creative vision throughout the production process, from pre-production to final editing. They start with the script and collaborate with screenwriters, and sometimes even write the script themselves. Directors need to oversee every aspect of film or video production. “Directors need to be able to do it all, but it doesn’t mean they have to do it all alone,” added the founder of Dewatlantis Studio.

Rai Budaya Bumiarta, a lecturer in the PFTV Program at ISI Denpasar, who was present during the guest lecture, mentioned that Alffy Rev is one of the rapidly evolving directors in the audiovisual industry today. Besides being a proficient musician, he has directed several music videos. “Alffy Rev created ‘Wonderland Indonesia,’ and this work is aimed at reaching a broader audience,” he said.

Alffy Rev commended the learning ecosystem at ISI Denpasar, supported by adequate facilities. He encouraged students to foster collaboration by developing audio-visual projects beyond campus boundaries. He hoped that many young filmmakers in Bali could thrive in the film industry, thereby diversifying the Indonesian film landscape, which is currently centered in Jakarta. “The filmmaking community can also grow in Bali with more film screenings and frequent film festivals. This will motivate young Balinese filmmakers to continually evolve and innovate,” he concluded at the end of the lecture. (ISIDps/Public Relations)

Prodi Produksi Film dan Televisi ISI Denpasar dan Rangkai Bahas Kolaborasi Pendistribusian Film

Prodi Produksi Film dan Televisi ISI Denpasar dan Rangkai Bahas Kolaborasi Pendistribusian Film

Foto: Audiensi Koprodi dan dosen Prodi PFTV dengan pihak Rangkai di Ruang Prodi PFTV, Lantai 2 Gedung Citta Hasta Mandala ISI Denpasar, Jumat (22/09).

Program Studi (Prodi) Produksi Film dan Televisi, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar laksanakan audiensi dengan perusahaan platform film online, Rangkai. Audiensi dilaksanakan di Prodi Produksi Film dan Televisi (PFTV), Lantai 2 Gedung Citta Hasta Mandala ISI Denpasar, Jumat, 22 September 2023. Audiensi ini dihadiri oleh Koordinator Prodi PFTV, I Nyoman Payuyasa, S.Pd., M.Pd beserta seluruh dosen Prodi PFTV dan tiga orang dari pihak Rangkai.

Untuk diketahui, Rangkai merupakan platform film online di bawah PT. Rangkai Kreativitas Indonesia. Rangkai menyajikan koleksi film digital nasional sebagai jendela tayang Indonesia dengan Pembayaran-per-Tontonan (Pay-per-View).  Platform ini berfokus pada dua tujuan. Pertama, untuk membangun aksesibilitas yang mudah dan terjangkau bagi pengguna untuk memilih dan menonton film Indonesia secara legal. Kedua, untuk membangun wadah konten film Indonesia serta membuka akses pendapatan baru bagi sineas. Rangkai tidak hanya berfokus pada film-film layar lebar saja melainkan beragam film domestik dengan data digital yang komprehensif.

Payuyasa menerangkan audiensi dilakukan dalam rangka membahas rencana kerja sama dan kolaborasi dalam pendistribusian film karya dosen dan mahasiswa ISI Denpasar. Kemitraan ini bertujuan untuk mendukung dan mempromosikan bakat-bakat kreatif di bidang produksi film dari ISI Denpasar dan memperluas jangkauan film-film buatan lokal. ISI Denpasar dikenal sebagai lembaga pendidikan seni yang menghasilkan banyak mahasiswa berbakat dalam bidang film, dan Rangkai adalah perusahaan distribusi yang berkomitmen berkontribusi dalam menghadirkan film-film berkualitas ke penonton di seluruh negeri. Lebih lanjut, Payuyasa menyampaikan Prodi PFTV menyambut hangat audiensi ini. Karena dengan terjalinnya kerja sama antara Prodi PFTV dengan Rangkai akan menciptakan relasi yang luas terkait pendistribusian karya film ISI Denpasar. Dosen dan mahasiswa akan mendapatkan ruang penayangan film secara online yang tentu saja dapat diakses secara luas. “Hal ini akan menyambung mata rantai jalannya kekaryaan film mahasiswa yang biasanya hanya sampai pada film sebagai tugas. Dengan kerja sama ini, film sebagai karya dapat dinikmati masyarakat luas. Kini, proses kerja sama antara Prodi PFTV dan Rangkai sedang dalam penyusunan SPK (Surat Perjanjian Kerja Sama),” ujar dosen Prodi PFTV ini. (ISIDps/Humas)
