Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, alongside 5 figures receiving the Bali-Dwipantara Nata Kerthi Nugraha Award 2024 during the series of the 31st Graduation Ceremony of ISI Denpasar, held on Friday, February 23.
The Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar-Bali (ISI Denpasar) held the 31st Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor’s, Applied Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees on Friday, February 23, 2024, at the Citta Kelangen Building, 3rd Floor, ISI Denpasar. A total of 374 graduates participated in the graduation ceremony, comprising 367 bachelor’s and applied bachelor’s degree graduates, 2 master’s degree graduates, and 5 doctoral degree graduates.
The graduation event was accompanied by the opening of the Bali Sangga Dwipantara IV National Festival 2024 and the presentation of the Bali-Dwipantara Nata Kerthi Nugraha Award 2024 to 5 individuals dedicated to the field of arts and culture. They are Made Taro (master of oral tradition), Tjokorda Raka Tisnu (dance artist and mask sculptor), Jais Hadiana Dargawijaya (art collector), I Gede Suyadnya (journalist), and Ali Nasrulloh (fashion designer).
The series of graduations at ISI Denpasar also featured a scholarly discourse entitled “Rare Angon” (Rare Chant of Indonesia’s Noble Humans) delivered by Made Taro.
Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, delivering a speech at the ISI Denpasar Graduation Ceremony at the Citta Kelangen Building, 3rd Floor, on Friday, February 23.
In his address, the Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, stated that all bachelor’s and applied bachelor’s degree graduates are students who have completed the Independent Learning Campus Independent Learning (MBKM) Program. They have engaged in direct practice and preparation in the Business-Industrial World (DUDI) and entered into real-world experiences in the art and design ecosystem.
“In 2023, MBKM ISI Denpasar involved 345 reputable partners from the DUDI sector, educational units, maestros, art studios, villages, and traditional villages. Students, together with mentors and supervising lecturers, collaborated to build a unified vision that is progressive in innovation, contextual, and future-oriented,” explained the Professor of Art History.
Photo: The 31st Graduation Ceremony for Bachelor’s, Applied Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees at ISI Denpasar in the Citta Kelangen Building, 3rd Floor, ISI Denpasar, Friday, February 23.
The inauguration coupled with the opening of the Bali Sangga Dwipantara IV 2024, was highlighted as a moment of recognition and honor for all graduates along with their parents/guardians and respective families. “Bali Sangga Dwipantara IV themed Manawa-Mukti-Manu (Noble Humans of Indonesia) emphasizes the interpretation that Noble Indonesians are those who build civilization by affirming the principles of social appropriateness and celebrating the blessed soul of the nation (Suksmaning Rahayu),” said the former Head of the Bali Provincial Culture Office.
Prof. Kun Adnyana expressed pride and extended congratulations to all graduates and the parents/guardians of the graduates for their children’s success in completing their studies at ISI Denpasar. “With pride, we release the Noble Generation of Indonesia. Walk steadfastly, Indonesia Jaya. Since the academic robes have been transferred to the right side, all of you have become part of the proud alumni family of ISI Denpasar,” emphasized the Chairman of the Bali Art’s Society Council.
During the occasion, the Rector of ISI Denpasar also presented the achievements and accomplishments of ISI Denpasar. These achievements include victories in five categories: the winner of the Best IKU Growth PTN-Satker and Highest Position (Top 10%) in the PTN-Satker Art League. The other three categories include awards for IKU 2 in the percentage of student participation gaining experience outside the campus; IKU 5 in the results of lecturer work used by the community or receiving international recognition; and IKU 6 in the study program collaborating with world-class partners. ISI Denpasar also received the Merdeka Belajar Award in the Academic Higher Education Category for the Highest Percentage of Student Participation in the MBKM Off-Campus Program from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia in 2023.
Prof. Kun Adnyana expressed that amidst the process of striving towards the new nomenclature of becoming ISI Bali, the name ISI Bali resounds across nations through collaborations with leading institutions worldwide. These collaborations include international partnerships with Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, and Nazrul University, Bangladesh, University of Western Australia, Studies Network Germany, AQAS Germany International Accreditation Institution, INTI International University Malaysia, Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Sultan Idris University Malaysia, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk Poland, University of Richmond USA, and Wake Forest University USA.
“All the partnership collaborations established solely reflect ISI Denpasar as the Global-Bali Arts and Creativity Centre Hub (G-BACCH); A Global-Level Creativity and Arts Hub,” he expressed.
Photo: The Director-General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng delivering a virtual address at the 31st Graduation Ceremony of ISI Denpasar, Friday, February 23.
In a virtual address, the Director-General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng congratulated all male and female graduates on their new degrees obtained. This Civil Engineering Professor hopes that the degrees obtained will further strengthen the development of arts in the country and bring Indonesian arts to the world stage.
Prof. Nizam acknowledges art as one of the nation’s cultural treasures. Every region has its uniqueness through artistic expressions, which is one of the keys to the nation’s progress. “Art is the unifier of the nation, art is the expression of humanity, art is the expression of creativity and expression of emotion. Therefore, your work will always be awaited by families, society, nation, and state,” said Prof. Nizam via video recording.
Prof. Nizam appreciates the organization of Bali-Sangga Dwipantara themed Manawa-Mukti-Manu (Noble Humans of Indonesia). According to him, art is a crucial element in dignifying humans. “Bali Sangga Dwipantara can strengthen and accelerate the development of art in the country, unify the nation, and elevate the dignity of the nation to the world stage,” said the former Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University.
For information, Bali-Sangga Dwipantara IV is a festival entirely dedicated as a dissemination space for the diversity of creative creation practices and an academic forum for arts and culture involving maestros, artists, designers, academics, creative workers, and talented students from across Universities/Institutes in Indonesia. Bali-Sangga Dwipantara is manifested in eleven creative arenas: the national talent podium (Bali-Dwipantara Widya); Indonesian art and design exhibition (Bali-Dwipantara Adirupa); national art and cultural performances (Bali-Dwipantara Adinatya); national unity initiatives (Bali-Dwipantara Kanti); national art republic seminar (Bali-Dwipantara Waskita); national cultural behavior (Bali-Dwipantara Krama); national village literature (Bali-Dwipantara Yatra); national maestro podium (Bali-Dwipantara Diatmika); national bracelet discovery (Bali-Dwipantara Karma); national communal house (Bali-Dwipantara Bhakti); and national-level art awards (Bali-Dwipantara Nata Kerthi Nugraha).
Photo: The performance of Bali-Dwipantara Bhakti (National Communal House), entitled “Sangkan Paran Paraga” at the Citta Kelangen Building, 3rd Floor, ISI Denpasar, Friday, February 23, 2024.
To mark the opening of Bali Sangga Dwipantara, ISI Denpasar presented the performance of Bali-Dwipantara Bhakti (National Communal House), titled “Sangkan Paran Paraga.” This performance showcased a fusion of Contemporary Puppetry, Tera Raga, Body Movement, and Pitu Sound crafted by lecturers and students of ISI Denpasar. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)
Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana bersama 5 tokoh penerima Bali-Dwipantara Nata Kerthi Nugraha Tahun 2024 serangkaian acara Wisuda ke-XXXI ISI Denpasar, Jumat (23/2).
Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar-Bali menggelar Wisuda Sarjana, Sarjana Terapan, Magister, dan Doktor XXXI, Jumat, 23 Februari 2024 di di Gedung Citta Kelangen Lt. 3 ISI Denpasar. Total 374 wisudawan mengikuti seremoni kelulusan yang terdiri dari 367 wisudawan Program sarjana dan sarjana terapan, 2 wisudawan program magister, dan 5 wisudawan program doktor.
Acara wisuda dirangkai dengan pembukaan Festival Nasional Bali Sangga Dwipantara IV Tahun 2024 dan penganugerahan Bali-Dwipantara Nata Kerthi Nugraha Tahun 2024 kepada 5 tokoh yang berdedikasi di bidang seni dan budaya. Mereka yakni Made Taro (maestro tradisi lisan), Tjokorda Raka Tisnu (seniman tari dan pematung topeng), Jais Hadiana Dargawijaya (kolektor seni), I Gede Suyadnya (jurnalis), dan Ali Nasrulloh (desainer mode).
Serangkaian inagurasi wisudawan ISI Denpasar itu disampaikan pula Orasi ilmiah berjudul “Rare Angon” (Tembang Rare Mulia Manusia Indonesia) oleh Made Taro.
Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana meberikan sambutan dalam Acara Wisuda ISI Denpasar di Gedung Citta Kelangen Lt. 3, Jumat (23/2).
Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana dalam sambutannya mengatakan keseluruhan wisudawan sarjana dan sarjana terapan merupakan mahasiswa yang lulus Program Pembelajaran Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Mereka melaksanakan praktik dan pencerapan langsung pada Dunia Usaha-Dunia Industri (DUDI), serta memasuki pengalaman ekosistem seni dan desain yang sesungguhnya.
“Tahun 2023, MBKM ISI Denpasar melibatkan 345 mitra bereputasi dari kalangan DUDI, satuan pendidikan, maestro, sanggar seni, Desa/Kelurahan, dan Desa Adat. Mahasiswa bersama mentor dan dosen pembimbing berkolaborasi membangun visi yang padu, progresif dalam inovasi, kontekstual, dan berorientasi masa depan” terang Guru Besar Sejarah Seni ini.
Foto: Wisuda Sarjana, Sarjana Terapan, Magister, dan Doktor XXXI ISI Denpasar di Gedung Citta Kelangen Lt. 3 ISI Denpasar, Jumat (23/2).
Inagurasi kelulusan yang dirangkai dengan pembukaan Bali Sangga Dwipantara IV Tahun 2024 ini termuliakan sebagai momentum pengakuan sekaligus penghormatan kepada semua wisudawan bersama seluruh orang tua/wali, serta keluarga masing-masing. “Bali Sangga Dwipantara IV bertema Manawa-Mukti-Manu (Mulia Manusia Indonesia) menegaskan pemaknaan bahwa Manusia Indonesia yang Mulia, adalah Ia atau Kita yang membangun peradaban dengan meneguhkan prinsip kepatutan sosial, dan perayaan jiwa bangsa yang terberkati semesta (Suksmaning Rahayu),” tutur mantan Kepala Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Bali ini.
Prof Kun Adnyana mengungkapkan rasa bangga dan menyampaikan selamat kepada seluruh wisudawan serta kepada orang tua/wali wisudawan atas keberhasilan putri/putranya dalam menuntaskan studi di ISI Denpasar. “Dengan bangga kami melepas Generasi Mulia Indonesia. Derap langkah teguhmu, Indonesia Jaya. Sejak tali toga dipindah ke sisi kanan, Kalian semua menjadi keluarga besar alumni kebanggaan ISI Denpasar,” tandas Ketua Dewan Bali Art’s Society ini.
Pada kesempatan itu, Rektor ISI Denpasar menyampaikan pula prestasi dan capaian ISI Denpasar. Prestasi dimaksud, antara lain kemenangan dalam lima kategori, yaitu: pemenang Pertumbuhan IKU Terbaik PTN-Satker dan Posisi Tertinggi (Top 10 %) Liga PTN-Satker Seni. Tiga kategori lainnya, yakni penghargaan IKU 2 kategori persentase partisipasi mahasiswa terbanyak mendapat pengalaman di luar kampus; IKU 5 kategori hasil kerja dosen digunakan oleh masyarakat atau mendapat rekognisi internasional; dan IKU 6 kategori program studi bekerja sama dengan mitra kelas dunia. ISI Denpasar juga meraih Anugerah Merdeka Belajar Kategori Perguruan Tinggi Akademik untuk Raihan Persentase Tertinggi Partisipasi Mahasiswa dalam Program MBKM Luar Kampus dari Menteri Dikbudristek RI Tahun 2023.
Prof. Kun Adnyana mengungkapkan di tengah proses perjuangan menuju nomenklatur baru menjadi ISI Bali, nama ISI Bali kian menggema lintas bangsa melalui jalinan kerja sama dengan institusi terkemuka di dunia. Kerja sama tersebut, diantaranya kerja sama Internasional dengan Brigham Young University, Utah, Amerika Serikat dan Nazrul University, Bangladesh, Universitas Western Australia, Studies Network Germany, Lembaga Akreditasi Internasional AQAS Germany, INTI International University Malaysia, Faculty of Music and Performing Arts University Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk Poland, University of Richmond Amerika Serikat, dan Wake Forest University Amerika Serikat.
“Segala kerja sama kemitraan yang telah dibangun, semata mencerminkan ISI Denpasar sebagai Global-Bali Arts and Creativity Centre Hub (G-BACCH); Pusat Hub Kreativitas dan Seni Tingkat Global” ungkapnya.
Foto: Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Kemdikbudristek RI, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng memberikan sambutan secara daring pada acara Wisuda XXXI ISI Denpasar, Jumat, (23/2).
Dalam sambutan secara daring, Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia, Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC., Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng mengucapkan selamat kepada seluruh wisudawan dan wisudawati atas gelar baru yang diperoleh. Guru Besar Teknik Sipil ini berharap gelar yang diperoleh semakin memperkuat pengembangan seni di tahah air dan membawa seni Indonesia ke panggung dunia.
Prof. Nizam mengakui seni sebagai salah satu kekayaan budaya bangsa. Setiap daerah memiliki keunikan melalui ekspresi seni yang menjadi salah satu kunci kemajuan bangsa. “Seni adalah pemersatu bangsa, seni adalah ekspresi dari kemanusiaan, seni adalah ekspresi dari kreatifitas dan ekspresi dari rasa. Untuk itu, karya anda akan selalu dinanti oleh keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara,” tutur Prof. Nizam melalui rekaman video.
Prof Nizam mengapresiasi penyelenggaraan Bali-Sangga Dwipantara bertema Manawa-Mukti-Manu (Mulia Manusia Indonesia). Menurutnya, seni merupakan unsur yang sangat penting dalam memuliakan manusia. ”Bali Sangga Dwipantara bisa memperkokoh dan mempercepat laju pengembangan seni di tanah air, menyatukan bangsa, mengangkat martabat bangsa ke panggung dunia,” ujar mantan Dekan Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada ini.
Sebagai informasi, Bali-Sangga Dwipantara IV, merupakan festival yang sepenuhnya didedikasikan sebagai ruang diseminasi keberagaman karya-praktik penciptaan serta mimbar akademik seni-budaya melibatkan maestro, seniman, desainer, akademisi, pekerja kreatif, dan mahasiswa bertalenta lintas Universitas/Institut di Indonesia. Bali-Sangga Dwipantara termanifestasi dalam sebelas wahana kreatif, yaitu: mimbar talenta nusantara (Bali-Dwipantara Widya); pameran seni rupa dan desain Indonesia (Bali-Dwipantara Adirupa); pergelaran seni dan budaya nasional (Bali- Dwipantara Adinatya); inisiatif braya nusantara (Bali-Dwipantara Kanti); seminar republik seni nusantara (Bali-Dwipantara Waskita); tutur lelaku nusantara (Bali-Dwipantara Krama); sastra desa nusantara (Bali-Dwipantara Yatra); mimbar maestro nusantara (Bali-Dwipantara Diatmika); nemu gelang nusantara (Bali-Dwipantara Karma); umah bersama nusantara (Bali-Dwipantara Bhakti); dan penghargaan seni tingkat nasional (Bali-Dwipantara Nata Kerthi Nugraha).
Foto: Pergelaran Bali-Dwipantara Bhakti (Umah Bersama Nusantara), bertajuk “Sangkan Paran Paraga” di Gedung Citta Kelangen Lt. 3 ISI Denpasar, Jumat, 23 Februari 2024
Menandai dibukanya Bali Sangga Dwipantara, ISI Denpasar mempersembahkan pergelaran Bali-Dwipantara Bhakti (Umah Bersama Nusantara), bertajuk “Sangkan Paran Paraga”. Pergelaran ini menyuguhkan perpaduan Wayang Kini, Tera Raga, Olah Tubuh, dan Bunyi Pitu hasil garapan dosen dan mahasiswa ISI Denpasar. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)
Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Vice President of Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, Renata Forste (7/2).
The Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar-Bali (ISI Denpasar) remains steadfast in expanding its international network of academic, artistic, and cultural cooperation. Most recently, the Rector of ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Vice President of Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, Renata Forste, at the local campus on February 7, 2024. The agreed collaboration encompasses joint research in the field of arts, organization of seminars, exchange of faculty and students, as well as other relevant collaborative activities for both parties.
In addition to signing the MoU with Brigham Young University, the Rector of ISI Denpasar also discussed potential collaboration with the President of Utah Valley University, United States, Astrid S. Tumines.
Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, presenting a souvenir to the President of Utah Valley University, United States, Astrid S. Tumines (7/2).
The meeting between the Rector of ISI Denpasar and the leadership of these two prominent higher education institutions in Utah, United States, was made possible through the facilitation of renowned Balinese composer Nyoman Windha, Ibu Agung Warsiki, and Professor Jeremy Grimshaw.
The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, stated that this international cooperation aims to further promote Balinese-Indonesian arts and culture. The collaboration is becoming more intensive and extensive with global universities that have a profound appreciation for Indonesian arts and culture. With the same spirit, this collaboration is undertaken by ISI Denpasar (Bali) with the hope of establishing ISI Denpasar (Bali) as the Global-Bali Arts and Creativity Centre Hub (@proG-BACCHISIBali).
Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, presenting the G-Bali Art Short Course to students of Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, Renata Forste (7/2).
Prof. Kun Adnyana added that collaboration with world universities that have a strong interest and commitment to Indonesian arts and culture is a strategic step in expanding the influence and presence of Balinese art on the international stage. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that a strong synergy will be formed between educational institutions and art practitioners, thus further enhancing the prominence of Balinese arts and culture on the world stage. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)
Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, with students of Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, Renata Forste (7/2).
Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman (Morandum of Understanding atau MoU) dengan Vice President of Brigham Young University, Utah-Amerika Serikat, Renata Forste (7/2).
INSTITUT Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar-Bali konsisten memperluas jaringan kerja sama internasional bidang akademik, seni dan budaya. Teranyar, Rektor ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana menandatangani Nota Kesepahaman (Morandum of Understanding atau MoU) dengan Vice President of Brigham Young University, Utah-Amerika Serikat, Renata Forste di kampus setempat, 7 Februari 2024. Kerja sama yang disepakati mencakup penelitian bersama di bidang seni, penyelenggaraan seminar, pertukaran dosen dan mahasiswa, serta kegiatan bersama lainnya yang relevan bagi kedua belah pihak.
Selain penandatangan MoU dengan Brigham Young University, Rektor ISI Denpasar juga membahas potensi kerja sama dengan Presiden dari Utah Valley University, Amerika Serikat, Astrid S. Tumines.
Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana menyerahkan cenderamata kepada Presiden Utah Valley University, Amerika Serikat, Astrid S. Tumines. (7/2).
Pertemuan Rektor ISI Denpasar dengan pimpinan dua lembaga pendidikan tinggi terkemuka di Utah, Amerika Serikat ini terlaksana berkat narahubung komposer terkemuka Bali Nyoman Windha dan Ibu Agung Warsiki serta Profesor Jeremy Grimshaw.
Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana menyatakan kerja sama internasional ini bertujuan untuk memekarkan seni-budaya Bali-Indonesia. Kerja sama dilakukan semakin intensif dan meluas dengan Universitas Dunia yang memiliki kecintaan mendalam terhadap seni-budaya Indonesia. Dengan semangat yang sama, kerja sama ini dilaksanakan ISI Denpasar (Bali) dengan harapan untuk ISI Denpasar (Bali) sebagai Global-Bali Arts and Creativity Centre Hub (@proG-BACCHISIBali).
Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana mempresentasikan G-Bali Art Short Course kepada mahasiswa Brigham Young University, Utah-Amerika Serikat, Renata Forste (7/2).
Prof. Kun Adnyana menambahkan kerja sama dengan universitas-universitas dunia yang memiliki ketertarikan dan komitmen yang kuat terhadap seni dan budaya Indonesia menjadi langkah strategis dalam memperluas pengaruh dan eksistensi seni Bali di kancah internasional. Dengan kerja sama ini, diharapkan akan terbentuk sinergi yang kuat antara institusi-institusi pendidikan dan pelaku seni, sehingga seni dan budaya Bali semakin gemilang di panggung dunia. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)
Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar-Bali, Prof. Dr. Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana bersama mahasiswa Brigham Young University, Utah-Amerika Serikat, Renata Forste (7/2).