Performing Arts Education Study Program
About the Performing Arts Education Study Program
The only performing arts education study program in Bali
Graduate Prospects
- Able to study drama, dance and music education according to the principles of research methodology;
- Able to explore, present and communicate various works of drama, dance and music art repertoires, as well as drama, dance and music art education ethically, aesthetically, and academically;
- Mastering and utilizing various techniques, repertoire and educational materials for drama, dance and music;
- Able to understand the techniques of documentation, presentation and dissemination of educational works of drama, dance and music;
- Mastering and utilizing various works, techniques and styles of drama, dance and music education;
- Able to create diverse, creative and innovative drama, dance and music art education works;
- Understand the various paradigms of science, aesthetics and socio-cultural diversity in drama, dance and music education;
- Mastering the theory of art education, especially drama, dance and music, aesthetics and social so as to produce interpretations of textual and contextual understanding of art education;
- Able to describe the Performing Arts Education Study Program, analyze, interpret and evaluate the phenomena of drama, dance and music education as well as cultural diversity embodied in the form of scientific work.
Semester 1
No | Kode MK | Nama MK | SKS |
1 | PSP 049 | Pendidikan Agama | 2 |
2 | PSP 001 | Pengantar Pendidikan | 2 |
3 | PSP 002 | Perkembangan peserta didik | 2 |
4 | PSP 003 | Filsafat Pendidikan | 2 |
5 | PSP 004 | Drama Nusantara | 2 |
6 | PSP 005 | Pengetahuan dan Teknik Dasar Tari Bali | 2 |
7 | PSP 006 | Penget. Dan Keteramp. Dasar Karawitan | 2 |
8 | PSP 007 | Tembang Pendidikan Sekar Alit | 2 |
9 | PSP 008 | Pengetahuan Seni Rupa | 2 |
10 | PSP 009 | Olah Tubuh Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan | 2 |
Semester 2
No | Kode MK | Nama MK | SKS |
1 | PSP 050 | Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dan Anti Korupsi | 2 |
2 | PSP 011 | Estetika Seni Pertunjukan | 2 |
3 | PSP 012 | Ilmu Kebudayaan | 2 |
4 | PSP 013 | Teori Musik Barat | 2 |
5 | PSP 014 | Pengetahuan dan Praktek Tari Tradisi Bali | 3 |
6 | PSP 010 | Psikologi Pendidikan | 2 |
7 | PSP 015 | Praktek Karawitan Tradisi | 3 |
8 | PSP 016 | Koreografi Dasar Pendidikan | 3 |
9 | PSP 017 | Notasi Tari dan Karawitan | 2 |
Semester 3
No |
Kode MK | Nama MK |
1 | PSP 051 | Pancasila dan Wawasan Kebangsaan | 2 |
2 | PSP 018 | Belajar dan Pembelajaran | 2 |
3 | PSP 018 | Telaah Kurikulum | 2 |
4 | PSP 020 | Manajemen Pendidikan | 2 |
5 | PSP 021 | Metodologi Penelitian | 2 |
6 | PSP 022 | Filsafat Seni | 2 |
7 | PSP 023 | Dramaturgi | 3 |
8 | PSP 024 | Ensambel dan Koor | 3 |
9 | PSP 025 | Karawitan Teater | 3 |
Semester 4
No | Kode MK | Nama MK | SKS |
1 | PSP 030 | Pembelajaran Praktek Tari Nusantara | 3 |
2 | PSP 027 | Profesi Pendidikan | 2 |
3 | PSP 031 | Musik Barat | 3 |
4 | PSP 053 | Bahasa Inggris | 2 |
5 | PSP 032 | Musik Nusantara | 3 |
6 | PSP 028 | Strategi Pembelajaran Seni | 2 |
7 | PSP 029 | Evaluasi Pembelajaran | 2 |
8 | PSP 033 | Komposisi Karawitan | 3 |
9 | PSP 052 | Bahasa Indonesia | 2 |
Semester 5
No | Kode MK | Nama MK | SKS |
1 | PSP 034 | Modul Nusantara Mpu Seni | 3 |
2 | PSP 035 | Pluralisme Nusantara | 3 |
3 | PSP 036 | Penget. Dan Praktek Pembelajaran Seni | 3 |
4 | PSP 037 | Micro Teaching | 3 |
5 | PSP 038 | Pendidik Seni Berkarakter | 3 |
6 | PSP 039 | Repertoar Drama Modern | 3 |
7 | PSP 040 | Repertoar Reka Cipta Karnaval | 3 |
Semester 6
No | Kode MK | Nama MK | SKS |
1 | PSP 054 | Studi Kasus | 3 |
2 | PSP 055 | Promosi dan Pemasaran Digital | 3 |
3 | PSP 056 | Workshop | 3 |
4 | PSP 057 | Seminar | 3 |
5 | PSP 041 | Literasi Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan | 2 |
6 | PSP 042 | Produksi Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan | 6 |
Semester 7
No | Kode MK | Nama MK | SKS |
1 | PSP 058 | Riset Dasar | 3 |
2 | PSP 059 | Tata Kelola Ekosistem | 3 |
3 | PSP 060 | Tugas Akhir/Skripsi | 6 |
4 | PSP 061 | Diseminasi | 6 |
5 | PSP 043 | Literasi Digital Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan | 2 |
Semester 8
No | Kode MK | Nama MK | SKS |
1 | PSP 058 | Riset Dasar | 3 |
2 | PSP 059 | Tata Kelola Ekosistem | 3 |
3 | PSP 060 | Tugas Akhir/Skripsi | 6 |
4 | PSP 061 | Diseminasi | 6 |
5 | PSP 043 | Literasi Digital Pendidikan Seni Pertunjukan | 2 |
Total = 165 SKS
The ISI Denpasar Performing Arts Education Study Program provides various student facilities to support educational activities
Student Organizations
ISI Denpasar Performing Arts Education Study Program has student organizations spread across the scope of the organization, starting from study programs, faculties, to institutes. This includes the Student Activity Unit.
Supporting lecturer
Prof. Dr. I Wayan Rai S, MA
Dr. Prof. Dr. I Komang Sudirga, S.Sn., M.Hum
Dr. Ni Luh Sustiawati, M.Pd
Dr. Yulinis, SST.,M.Si
Dr. Ni Wayan Ardini, SSn., M.Si
Drs. Rinto Widyarto, M.Si
Dra. Ni Wayan Mudiasih, M.Si
I Komang Darmayuda, S.Sn., M.Si
I Wayan Budiarsa, S.Sn.,M.Si
Ni Wayan Iriani, SST., M.Si
I Gede Mawan, SSn., M.Si.
Ketut Sumerjana, S.Sn., M.Sn
Wahyu Sri Wiyati, S.Sn., M.Si
Ni Made Liza Anggara Dewi, SSn., M.Sn.
Ni Wy. Suratni, SSn., M.Sn
I Wayan Diana Putra, SSn., M.Sn.
Ni Made Dian Widiastuti, S.Pd., M.Pd
Ni Made Haryati, SSn., M.Sn.
I Gede Gunadi Putra SSn., M.Sn.
Putu Sandra Devindriati Kusuma, S.Pd., M.Pd
Tudhy Putri Apyutea Kandiraras, SSn., M.A.
Putu Bang Bang Sadha Graha, SSn., M.Sn.
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