About Postgraduate Magister (S2)
The educational objectives of the Masters Program in Art Creation and Studies are as follows:
- Producing masters of art based on superior artistic creation and scholarship;
Producing masters of art that makes local and archipelago traditional arts as subjects; - Producing art masters who are able to create and/or study Indonesian culture through an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach that has the following competencies:
- Able to create and express various ideas into various forms of works of art;
- Able to study and analyze art and culture in an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary manner;
Able to present works of art creatively that can be accounted for ethically, academically and aesthetically; - Able to foster and manage a variety of artistic and cultural activities in a professional manner.
Previously, ISI Denpasar only managed undergraduate education (S1) which had produced many quality graduates who were spread out to fill job opportunities both as artists and other artistic fields at home and abroad. Job opportunities and opportunities held by ISI Denpasar alumni demand an increase in the quality of human resources in accordance with the times. With the enactment of the teacher and lecturer law, it becomes an opportunity and challenge for ISI Denpasar to increase its role in increasing human resources in the field of arts and culture, as well as responding to internal and external demands from other tertiary institutions in Bali, Nusa Tenggara and the eastern Indonesian region which manage similar study program. Responding to internal and external demands regarding the need for resources and the development of art, science and technology as well as the unavoidable demands for community appreciation, ISI Denpasar has been entrusted with the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number 90/E//2011 dated 24 April 2011 to organize the Program Creation Studies and Art Studies (S2). The ISI Denpasar Art Creation and Study Study Program has obtained accreditation scores and ratings for study programs in the Masters Program based on the decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education Number 183/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/VI/2014 which was stipulated on June 28, 2014 decided The ISI Denpasar postgraduate program received a B accreditation score.
The curriculum in tertiary institutions is regulated in the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number 232/U/2000 concerning Guidelines for Developing a Higher Education Curriculum and Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes and Decree of the Minister of National Education Number 045/U/2002 concerning Higher Education Curriculum. The higher education curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the content and study materials and lessons as well as the delivery and assessment methods used as guidelines for organizing teaching and learning activities in tertiary institutions.
The implementation of education within the ISI Denpasar environment is carried out in study programs based on the curriculum set by the Chancellor of ISI Denpasar in accordance with the proposed curriculum prepared by each faculty in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The curriculum is implemented flexibly and is evaluated periodically, in part or as a whole in accordance with the dynamics of the development of science, technology and art according to the demands and needs of society.
The characteristics of the ISI Denpasar Arts Creation and Study Study Program (S2) curriculum refer to the exploration of local Balinese arts and culture which are analyzed, researched, studied, and innovated based on scientific methods which are reflected in excellence-based scientific studies that distinguish it from the curriculum of art colleges others.
The field of study or field of study which is the main subject of the Art Creation and Studies Study Program (S2) has an interest in study/concentration: Art Creation and Art Studies. Relevant professional development in the ISI Denpasar Art Creation and Study Study Program (S2), namely having a personality that originates from local archipelago cultural values to be studied as an asset to the artistic wealth of the Indonesian nation. In addition, being able to study and create works of art contextually and professionally, as well as being able to demonstrate and develop scientific works for interest in study and develop works of art for interests in creation that have the potential to be copyrighted. Thus being able to contribute ideas and expertise in society.
Developing creative and innovative abilities to create works of art that have the potential for IPR by focusing on local cultural values as a source of creation, and also raising local culture as an object of study in order to inventory, develop and use this culture in the form of scientific studies.
The study period that can be taken in the ISI Denpasar Creation and Art Studies Study Program (S2) is 4 (four) semesters including the completion of a Thesis or Work. The permitted extension of the study period is a maximum of 4 (four) semesters. Extension of the study period must be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. The study period that exceeds the set limit or is carried out outside the provisions will receive academic sanctions.
The Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar Masters Program provides a variety of student facilities to support educational activities
Postgraduate Magister (S2)
Arts Governance
Study Program
About Postgraduate Doctoral (S3)
Responding to internal and external demands regarding the need for resources and the development of art, science and technology as well as the unavoidable demand for community appreciation, the objectives of organizing the Arts Study Program (S3) are:
- Producing a science-based doctor of arts, creation and presentation of superior art;
- Producing an art doctor who makes local and archipelago traditional art as a subject;
- To produce art doctors who are able to study, create, and present Indonesian culture through an interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach that has the following competitions;
- Able to express various ideas into various forms of artistic creations;
Able to study and analyze critically and creatively in an inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary manner; - Being able to present works of art creatively and innovatively which can be accounted for academically, has aesthetic and ethical values;
Able to foster and manage various artistic and cultural activities academically and professionally.
The Art Study Program (S3) of the Indonesian Art Institute Denpasar, implemented based on the Minister of Research and Technology-Dikti Decree No 137/KPT/I/2017 dated 08 February 2017, is the only strata 3 (S3) educational program within the ISI Denpasar environment. This study program has a vision: In 2022 the ISI Denpasar Art Program (S3) will be realized as a center of excellence for the study, creation and presentation of creative and innovative art based on local culture with a universal perspective.
In an effort to describe its vision, the Arts Study Program (S3) formulates the mission:
- Organizing research-based education, research and artistic work;
- Carrying out research, creation and fostering art, in the context of developing the fields of science, human resources, society and the cultural environment;
- Organizing community service to develop human resources through programs of study, creation and presentation of art;
In implementing its vision and mission, ISI Denpasar always responds to developments in the world of art, science and technological advances in an effort to increase people’s intelligence and creativity in facing the global art scene. This realization is realized through the role of ISI Denpasar as an educator, preserver, carrier and developer of local and archipelago cultural arts.
The curriculum for the ISI Denpasar Arts Study Program (S3) refers to the K-Dikti curriculum by emphasizing the uniqueness of exploring local Balinese arts and culture in addition to the Archipelago culture, which is analyzed, researched, studied, innovated, and presented based on the scientific method which is reflected in the results of the study, creation, and presentation based on excellence.
The Art Study Program (S3) provides education with an interest in the study of Art Creation, Study and Presentation. The ISI Denpasar Arts Study Program (S3) develops professions that are relevant to the progress of global art, builds academic skills and shapes the personality of graduates, so that they are able to face cultural arts competitions at the local, national and international levels. The ISI Denpasar Art Study Program (S3) also carries out studies, creation and presentation of works of art contextually and professionally and is able to demonstrate and develop knowledge through scientific work in the field of art that has the potential to receive IPR protection.
The study period for the ISI Denpasar art study program (S3) is a minimum of three years (6 semesters) including the completion of a Dissertation or Work. The permitted study period is a maximum of 14 (fourteen) semesters. Extension of the study period must be carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. The study period that exceeds the set limit or is carried out outside the provisions will receive academic sanctions.
The study load for the Arts Program (S3) that must be taken by students while pursuing their doctoral education is expressed in terms of the total number of semester credit units (SKS) totaling 44 credits.
The implementation of 1 credit face-to-face theory is equivalent to 50 minutes and 100 minutes of face-to-face practice per week for 14 effective weeks.
The Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar Masters Program provides a variety of student facilities to support educational activities
Postgraduate Doctoral (S3)
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Kiriman : Jamiati Ritami, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, e-mail: [email protected], Ni Wayan Mudiasih, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar,e-mail: [email protected] Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas...