Magister of Design Study Program

About Design Study Program (S2)

Vision and Mision


Realizing a cultured, creative, innovative Master of Design graduate with national and international reputation


  1. Master of design education with a culture of creative, innovative, national and international reputation.
  2. Develop and create science, technology, and creative and innovative designs with an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach that is based on the local wisdom of the archipelago.
  3. Disseminate the results of learning, research, and community service in the field of Design that have an impact on people’s welfare
  4. Building a creative ecosystem in the field of design with a national reputation
  5. Develop strategic cooperation and partnerships to realize productivity and progress of the creative ecosystem in the field of design

The Master of Design Study Program presents competent teaching staff in their respective fields of expertise. The development of the scientific field of design is presented in an inclusive manner which is divided into a curriculum that provides depth in design dialectics.

Graduate Prospects

Creating graduates who are able to develop design science, and are able to apply their knowledge in research that contributes to human values.

KODE MK  NAMA MK BARU SKS Baru Bobot Praktikum
MDS001 Sejarah Sosial Desain 2 0
MDS002 Semiotika Desain 2 0
MDS003 Filsafat Ilmu Desain 2 0
MDS004 Interaksi Desain 2 0
MDS005 * Metodologi Penelitian Desain 3 2
MDS006 * Metodologi Reka Desain
Semester I 11  
MDS007 * Penelitian Desain (Proposal Tesis Ilmu Desain) 3 2
MDS008 * Reka Desain Digital (Proposal Tesis Desain)
MDS009 Desain Dan Gaya Hidup 2 0
MDS010 Budaya Visual  2 0
MDS011 Estetika Desain 2 0
MDS012 Desain dan Teknologi 2 0
Semester II 11  
MDS013 Bisnis Digital Desain 2 1
MDS014 Desain Bali Modern 2 0
MDS015 Publikasi Ilmiah 2 1
MDS016 Desain dan Faktor Manusia 2 0
Semester III 8  
MDS017 Seminar Hasil Penelitian Tesis 2 1
MDS018 Tesis 6 4
Semester IV 8 6
Total Semeter I-IV 38  
KODE MK  NAMA MK BARU SKS Baru Bobot Praktikum
MDS019 Wawasan Reka Cipta 2 0
MDS020 Kreativitas dan Inovasi 2 0
Total  4  
Jumlah SKS Reguler ( I-IV ) + Matrikulasi 42  


ISI Denpasar Master Program Design Study Program provides various student facilities to support educational activities

Student Organization

The ISI Denpasar Masters Program Design Study Program has student organizations spread across the scope of the organization, starting from study programs, faculties, to institutes. This includes the Student Activity Unit.

Supporting lecturer

