Quality Assurance Profile

ISI Denpasar is one of the PTs in Indonesia that has implemented an Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) since 2014. PPM itself is the SPMI implementation unit that is responsible to the Chancellor. The scope and work program includes all higher education Tri Dharma programs; in the fields of Education, Research and Community Service, assistance with accreditation of Study Programs and Institutions, development and implementation of internal academic quality audits, management of study programs and other organizational units. Currently, PPM ISI’s performance is able to realize the implementation of quality assurance, including the existence of UPMF and UPMPS which assess the quality of exam questions, Semester Learning Plans (RPS) and final assignments, there is complete feedback and supporting documents.

ISI Denpasar has committed to implementing quality assurance as an inseparable part of management in providing education at ISI Denpasar. As a consequence of this, the entire ISI Denpasar academic community has adopted a quality policy as a guide to whether academic performance and programs are of a quality that can be accepted by stakeholders. The SPMI ISI Denpasar implementation unit works and collaborates in a coordinated, gradual and concentrated manner towards achieving academic quality which is characterized by achieving graduate competencies that meet stakeholder demands.

1. Institute Level

SPMI within ISI Denpasar is coordinated by the Quality Assurance Center (PPM) located at LP2MPP, which was confirmed based on the Chancellor’s Decree. The ISI Denpasar PPM structure consists of a Coordinator and uses LP2MPP employees. In carrying out its duties, PPM always actively coordinates with quality assurance implementation units at the faculty, study program, institution, bureau and UPT levels. PPM ISI Denpasar is tasked with planning, facilitating, compiling texts in the form of Academic Policies, Academic Standards, Academic Quality Manual and SPMI Implementation Procedures Manual, academic and non-academic quality standards, standard operational procedures (SOP) as well as conducting monev-in regarding the extent to which SPMI can be implemented in the ISI Denpasar environment.

2. Faculty/Postgraduate level

At the faculty/postgraduate level there is a Faculty Quality Assurance Unit (UPMF) which is tasked with implementing SPMI under the coordination of the Deputy Dean for academic affairs at the undergraduate level and the postgraduate secretary for the master’s program, confirmed by the Dean’s Decree for UPMF and the Decree of the Chancellor of ISI Denpasar for the Postgraduate Arts Study Program. . The UPMF structure consists of a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary and Members. UPMF is tasked with compiling Academic policies, Academic Standards, Academic Quality Manual, Academic Implementation Procedures Manual, Academic and Non-Academic Quality Standards which are adapted to the provisions and capabilities of the faculty, creating SOPs and monev-in for the implementation of SPMI in the faculty environment.

3. Study Program Level

At the Study Program level, a Study Program Quality Assurance Unit (UPMPS) was formed based on the Chancellor’s Decree as a quality controller under the coordination of Koprodi, whose task is to prepare quality standards and quality targets, inventory quality documents and determine strategic actions for improvement or achievement of quality standards. The UPMPS organizational structure consists of a Chair, Secretary and Members from lecturer representatives in the study program concerned.
