Television and Film Production Study Program
About Film and TV Production Study Program
The ISI Denpasar Film and Television Production Study Program (PFTV) is the only art university in Bali. The island of Bali, as a melting pot (transmission center) of world cultures since the VII century (Bali Padma Bhuwana), has a strategic contribution to the existence of the ISI Denpasar Film and Television Production Study Program. Bali also has noble cultural roots as well as being a window for innovation in today’s world art and culture, becoming a prestigious locus for every creative worker in the world who visits. Bali’s important potential is an added value for the study program.
At the human resource level, PFTV Study Program has 11 driving lecturers supported by 1 Educational Laboratory Assistant (PLP) and 1 study program staff. The field of expertise of the teaching staff is very relevant to the science of television and film majors and is also supported by the activation of lecturers as practitioners in society.
The Study Program is supported by qualified facilities and infrastructure. Besides having representative classrooms, it also has a laboratory consisting of master control, studio, editing room, audio room and equipment storage that is guaranteed safety.
Graduate Prospects
Immediately filled
Immediately filled
Vision and mission
The university’s vision and mission is the basis for creating a Study Program Vision. The vision of the Film and Television Production Study Program is to become a Center of Excellence for the promotion of cultural arts rooted in local wisdom, based on independent learning-an independent campus and globally competitive in the creation of works of art in film and television for the creation of an academic community with the spirit of Pancasila, tough, dynamic , critical, creative and innovative.
The Film and Television Production Study Program, FSRD, ISI Denpasar has the following missions: 1) To create students who are able to produce film, television and world-class animation works of art with global knowledge and skills (To create students who are able to produce film, television and animation world class artwork with global knowledge and skills). 2) To create students who are able to produce film, television and animation with the strength of visual accompanying by high aesthetic standards. 3) To create students who can engage in dialogue (public speaking) with/between audiences with film, television and animation works, perform professionally and be competitive (To create students with public speaking abilities which can be presented within film, television and animation artwork, professional performance and competitive). 4) Creating students who have innovative economic, artistic and cultural considerations in film, television and animation works (economic, arts and culture consideration) to improve the quality of life of the people of Indonesia and the world (To create students with economics, arts and innovative culture consideration in producing films, television and animation to be used in enhancing the life quality of Indonesia and the world). 5) Film and Television Production Study Program, FSRD, ISI Denpasar to produce creators of film and television and animation works with knowledge, theory and technique with professional skills and behavior who have the character needed to make films, television and animation that emphasize the power of speech creative and innovative visuals with high aesthetic standards.
The objectives of the Film and Television Production Study Program, FSRD, ISI Denpasar, known as the Program Objectives, are derivatives of the mission of the Television and Film Production Study Program, FSRD, ISI Denpasar, which are manifested in five (5) main points:
- Equipping students with knowledge, critical thinking, technical and creative-innovative skills to produce films and television programs;
- Preparing students to be able to keep up with the times (updates) in line with the growth of the internet, media technology, art, and communication in the fields of film and television;
- Preparing students to have effective and good communication skills (public speaking) in written and verbal language;
- Equip students with leadership, entrepreneurship, and management skills with an understanding of aesthetic, social, cultural, and ethical professional behavior in the film and television industry;
- Preparing students to be able to innovate and be creative in solving problems, enthusiasm, and high and sustainable discipline.
The goal is to produce film and television creators whose quality is in accordance with the above goals. The Film and Television Production Study Program, FSRD, ISI Denpasar determines the standards for implementing quality and quality education or learning processes. For this reason, the quality objectives in the education process and teaching and learning process formulated by the Film and Television Production Study Program are embodied in strategic initiatives every year. Strategic initiatives are evaluated and measured quantitatively and qualitatively with key performance indicators which are divided into categories: 1) Growth and productivity, as measured by the growth in the number of students. 2) Stakeholder satisfaction with the quality of education and services as measured by performance indicators for teaching, research, and readiness of infrastructure support. 3) Quality of students and student work; with student achievement indicators in terms of average GPA, student achievements in regional, national and international competitions, both film, television, animation and other academic works. 4) Producing creative and innovative production quality works with national accreditation indicators. 5) Internationalization, with indicators of the involvement of the Film and Television Production Study Program in festivals, seminars, workshops, conferences and involvement in the creation of film works on campus and off campus.
In preparing the vision, mission, goals and objectives, internal and external stakeholders are involved. Internal parties involved such as: leadership elements including; Chairperson and Secretary of Institute and Faculty Senate, Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Head of Bureau, Dean of FSP and Dean of FSRD, Deputy Dean, heads of departments, department secretaries, lab heads, lecturer representatives and student representatives. External parties involved, such as: Board of Trustees of the Denpasar Indonesian Art Institute, cultural observers: such as Suteja Neka, Agung Rai, heads of the Bali Provincial and District Culture Offices throughout Bali, film and TV industries such as: PT. Bali Creative Cinema, MNC Media, Nusa Film, Seeding Time Picture, Sineclue Film, Bekraf Denpasar, Bali Tv, TVRI Bali, Sri Redjeki Film, AVB Media Asia, MSB Bali, Kompas Bali.
The mechanism for formulating the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the Film and Television Study Program, Faculty of Art and Design, Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar, was carried out using three strategies; 1) First, by carrying out the FTV Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The FGDs invited included lecturers from the Film and Television Production Study Program, production houses (PH), film experts, producers and directors. The FGD also involved the Departmental Student Association (HMJ), FSRD lecturers, and ISI Denpasar Professor, to discuss the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the Film and Television Study Program which have different characters or characteristics. 2) Second, the mechanism used is through workshops which are used to absorb creative ideas from participants from lecturers, students, stake holders, and experts. Intense communication is also carried out via email, social media or direct discussions with various parties, especially film industry players in Bali, nationally and internationally. 3) Third, on the internal side, to align the vision, mission, goals and objectives so that they are aligned with the vision of the institute and faculties, it is presented in front of the leadership meeting at the rectorate. The attendees included Deputy Chancellor I, Dean, Deputy Dean I of FSRD, faculty senate and all program lecturers. Film and Television Production Studies, also invited stakeholders, including production houses (PH), local TV, and journalists.
In compiling VMTS there are policies in accordance with formal documents consisting of: a. The legal basis that is used as a basic basis in strengthening the preparation of the vision, mission, goals and objectives of the study program, namely: a). Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2003 Number 78, b). Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education. c). Government Regulation Number 4 of 2014 concerning Implementation of Higher Education and Management of Higher Education (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2014 Number 16, d). Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 33 of 2013 concerning the Establishment of ISI Denpasar; e). Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation Number 29 of 2014 concerning Government Agency Accountability Systems. f) Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 24 of 2015 concerning the Organization and Working Procedures of ISI Denpasar. g) ISI Denpasar Strategic Plan for 2015-2020 and ISI Denpasar Strategic Plan for 2020-2024.
The ISI Denpasar strategic plan contains performance indicators in long-term development plans such as: performance indicators planned for each mission specified in the ISI Denpasar Strategic Plan 2020-2024. Each is described based on the strategic objectives to be achieved in each mission. Goal 1: Realizing a quality learning process that is competitive and relevant to the needs of the community so that it is able to compete at the national and international levels. 26 Strategic Goals: In this objective there are 5 strategic objectives as follows: 1. Improving teaching and learning processes; 2. Realization of curriculum structuring; 3. Increased competence of graduates; 4. Increasing educational infrastructure and supporting lectures and practice; 5. Increasing the quality standard of higher education. Policy: Of the 5 targets, the target of “increasing graduate competence” is a priority target. So that the policy direction will be emphasized for the job readiness of graduates and student activities outside the campus. Strategy: 1. Prepare guidelines for the development of the Higher Education curriculum, which includes planning, implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation; 2. Implementing the Higher Education curriculum; 3. Internalizing the values of the Higher Education curriculum to the campus community; 4. Giving role to KBK to develop Education; 5. Establish educational cooperation with credible institutions; 6. Periodically evaluate the success of achieving graduate profiles and graduate acceptance; 7. Organizing competency certification. Goal 2: Increase research and community service according to national higher education standards. Strategic Goals: In this objective there are 5 strategic objectives as follows: 1. Increasing results and content of research and community service; 2. Increasing the process of research and community service; 3. Increased research researchers and community service; 4. Increased funding, research infrastructure and community service; 5. Increased management of research and community service. Policy: From these 5 targets the target of “increasing the results and content of research and community service” is a priority target. So that the policy direction will later be emphasized for lecturer tridharma activities outside the campus, lecturer qualifications and research application from lecturers.
ISI Denpasar Film and TV Production Study Program provides various student facilities to support educational activities
Student Organization
The ISI Denpasar Film and TV Production Study Program has student organizations spread across the scope of the organization, starting from study programs, faculties, to institutes. This includes the Student Activity Unit.
Supporting Lecturer
Dr. Drs. I Dewa Made Darmawan, M.Si.
Ni Kadek Dwiyani, S.S., M.Hum.
Ni Nyoman Lia Susanthi, S.S., M.A.
I Kadek Puriartha, S.Sn.,M.Sn.
I Made Denny Chrisna Putra, S.Sn.,M.Sn.
Desak Putu Yogi Antari Tirta Yasa, S.Sn.,M.Sn.
I Nyoman Payuyasa, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Gede Basuyoga Prabhawita, S.Sn.,M.Sn.
Ida Bagus Hari Kayana, S.Kom., M.Sn.
Made Rai Budaya Bumiarta, S.Sn., M.A.
Gangga Lawranta, M.Sn.
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