Diseminasi Karya Mahasiswa Darmasiswa RI ISI Denpasar

Diseminasi Karya Mahasiswa Darmasiswa RI ISI Denpasar

Unjuk Kreativitas Mahasiswa Mancanegara

Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana bersama mahasiswa Darmasiswa dalam kegiatan Diseminasi Karya Mahasiswa Darmasiswa ISI Denpasar di Nata-Citta Art Space (N-CAS) ISI Denpasar, Rabu (31/1).

MAHASISWA Darmasiswa RI Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar (Bali) menampilkan karya hasil pembelajaran dalam Diseminasi Karya Mahasiswa Darmasiswa ISI Denpasar Tahun Akademik 2023/2024. Diseminasi bertajuk “Manawa-Manah-Manu” diselenggarakan di Nata-Citta Art Space (N-CAS) ISI Denpasar, Rabu, 31 Januari 2024. Kegiatan diseminasi merupakan keberlanjutan dari program pembelajaran Bali Nata Bhuwana Plus.

Diseminasi yang dikemas dalam pameran dan pertunjukan seni ini diikuti oleh 11 mahasiswa Darmasiswa yang telah mengikuti perkuliahan di ISI Denpasar selama satu semester. Tahun Akademik 2023/2024, ISI Denpasar menerima mahasiswa Program Darmasiswa RI dari sembilan negara. Masing-masing satu mahasiswa asal Polandia, Armenia, Yordania, Spanyol, Ukraina, Slovakia, Austria, Belarus, dan tiga mahasiswa asal India. Mahasiswa mancanegara ini mengikuti perkuliahan bersama mahasiswa reguler ISI Denpasar di program studi yang berbeda-beda.

Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana meninjau karya seni mahasiswa Darmasiswa di Nata-Citta Art Space (N-CAS) ISI Denpasar, Rabu (31/1).

Koordinator Urusan Internasional ISI Denpasar sekaligus Ketua Panitia Pelaksana Diseminasi “Manawa-Manah-Manu” mengungkapkan, mahasiswa Darmasiswa menyuguhkan belasan karya seni lukis dalam pameran ini. Selain mahasiswa Darmasiswa, seorang mahasiswa Global-Bali Arts Short Course, Artemi Lykou turut menyajikan karya lukisnya.

“Ini merupakan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa Darmasiswa ISI Denpasar untuk menunjukkan karya seni mereka ke hadapan publik setelah menjalani satu semester pembelajaran di lingkungan kreatif ISI Denpasar,” ujar Dosen Bahasa Inggris ini

Foto: Mariia Handzel dan Florentina Gonzales, mahasiswa Darmasiswa ISI Denpasar menampilkan pertunjukan tari kontemporer, Rabu (31/1).

Selain pameran seni lukis, mahasiswa Darmasiswa juga menyuguhkan sejumlah pertunjukan seni. Pertunjukan dimaksud, yakni pementasan dua tari kontemporer oleh Mariia Handzel dan Florentina Gonzales bersama mahasiswa Darmasiswa Universitas Udayana, Nanoko Fujimura. Rajeev Kumar, mahasiswa Darmasiswa asal India mempertunjukan kemampuannya dalam bermain Tabla (alat music tradisional India).

Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana mengungkapkan rasa bangga atas antusias mahasiswa mancanegara ini dalam mendiseminasikan karya-karya hasil pembelajaran di ISI Denpasar. Prof. Kun menyoroti pentingnya kolaborasi antarbangsa dalam meresapi dan mengapresiasi keberagaman seni, mengakui bahwa pencapaian tersebut adalah hasil dari kerjasama erat dan saling pengertian antara mahasiswa dari berbagai latar belakang budaya

“Saya sangat mengapresiasi semangat dan dedikasi mahasiswa Darmasiswa dalam menyajikan karya seni terbaik. Hal ini merupakan bukti dari kerjasama lintas budaya yang erat di lingkungan kampus ISI Denpasar,” tutur Guru Besar Sejarah Seni ini.

Prof. Kun berharap pada semester mendatang, mahasiswa Darmasiswa dapat menciptakan karya-karya yang lebih memukau.  ISI Denpasar berkomitmen memberikan dukungan penuh terhadap pengembangan bakat dan potensi kreatif mahasiswa, sekaligus mendorong mereka untuk terus berinovasi dan memberikan yang terbaik.

Diseminasi “Manawa-Manah-Manu” disemarakkan dengan kegiatan Dialog Budaya. Diskusi yang dimoderatori Ni Putu Tisna Andayani, S.S., M.Hum menjadi platform interaktif yang memberikan ruang bagi mahasiswa untuk berbagi pengalaman mereka selama mengikuti perkuliahan di ISI Denpasar.

Foto: Mariia Handzel bersama mahasiswa Darmasiswa Universitas Udayana, Nanoko Fujimura menampilkan pertunjukan tari kontemporer, Rabu (31/1).

Mahasiswa Darmasiswa asal India, Rajeev Kumar menceritakan pengalamannya selama mengikuti perkuliahan di ISI Denpasar. Dia menuturkan pada awal kedatangannya di ISI Denpasar, dia mengalami sejumlah kendala karena dia harus menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan baru. Namun dia amat bersyukur dapat menyelesaikan semester pertama ini dengan baik. “We finish this first semester with wonderful moments. We had dance performances and displayed our paintings (Kami menyelesaikan semester pertama ini dengan momen-momen yang luar biasa. Kami mengadakan pertunjukan tari dan memamerkan lukisan kami)” ujar Darmasiswa Prodi Karawitan ini.

Rajeev mengungkapkan kekagumannya terhadap keindahan seni Bali. Mempelajari kesenian Bali, khususnya karawitan merupakan pengalaman yang luar biasa. Sebagai seorang pemula dalam belajar karawitan, Rajeev terpesona oleh kompleksitas musik tradisional Bali yang membuatnya terhubung dengan warisan seni tradisional penuh makna. “Bali’s art is truly captivating and inspiring (kesenian Bali begitu memukau dan menginspirasi),” ujarnya.

Foto: Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana bersama mahasiswa Darmasiswa dalam kegiatan Diseminasi Karya Mahasiswa Darmasiswa ISI Denpasar, Rabu (31/1).

Sebagai informasi, Program Darmasiswa RI merupakan beasiswa non-gelar yang ditawarkan kepada seluruh mahasiswa asing dari negara yang memiliki hubungan diplomatik dengan Indonesia untuk belajar bahasa, seni dan budaya. Program ini diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemdikbudristek) bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemlu). Program Darmasiswa RI bertujuan untuk mempromosikan dan meningkatkan minat terhadap bahasa dan budaya Indonesia di kalangan pemuda negara lain. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)

ISI Denpasar Refines Preparations to Achieve Excellent Accreditation

ISI Denpasar Refines Preparations to Achieve Excellent Accreditation

Conducting a Workshop Simulation for International Accreditation Visitation

Photo: Workshop speakers Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ed.D., and Dr. Phil. Nurhening Yunarti, S.Pd., M.T., simulating an International Accreditation visitation at the Natya Mandala Building, ISI Denpasar, Monday (29/1)

The Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar (ISI Denpasar) is currently preparing for International Accreditation for four (4) study programs. In efforts to refine these preparations, ISI Denpasar conducted a Workshop Simulation for International Accreditation Visitation at the Nata Widya Sabha Building, 2nd floor of the ISI Denpasar Rectorate, from January 28 to 31, 2024.

The workshop themed “Bali Tantu Bhuwana” (Achieving Outstanding Accreditation) featured two academics from Yogyakarta State University as speakers. They are Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ed.D., and Dr. Phil. Nurhening Yunarti, S.Pd., M.T. UNY was chosen as the contributor because it already has internationally accredited programs. AQAS is one of the accreditation agencies selected by UNY to assess several study programs, including English Language Bachelor’s, English Language Education Master’s, and Applied Linguistics Master’s.

Photo: Workshop speakers Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ed.D., and Dr. Phil. Nurhening Yunarti, S.Pd., M.T., simulating an International Accreditation visitation, Monday (29/1)

The workshop was opened by the Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. I Komang Sudirga. Prof. Sudirga stated that the workshop was held in preparation for the International Accreditation field visits to four (4) Study Programs (Prodi) within the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar. The concerned programs are the Karawitan Bachelor’s Program, Fine Arts Bachelor’s Program, Applied Fashion Design Bachelor’s Program, and Arts Doctoral Program. The International Accreditation Visitation will be conducted in March 2024 by AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance through Accreditation of Study Programs), a higher education quality assurance agency in Germany.

“Through this workshop, we hope that the speakers can provide guidance and insights into the accreditation process conducted by AQAS. So, when the assessors come to our campus, our preparations will be thorough,” hoped Prof. Komang Sudirga.

Photo: Workshop speakers Dyah Setyowati Ciptaningrum, S.Pd., M.Ed., Ed.D., and Dr. Phil. Nurhening Yunarti, S.Pd., M.T., simulating an interview session during the International Accreditation visitation, Monday (29/1).

Workshop speakers conducted simulations of International Accreditation visitations, including examinations of classrooms, learning support buildings, and faculty rooms. Additionally, they simulated interview sessions with faculty members, students, and partners from each assessed study program.

Present at the event were the Dean of the Faculty of Performing Arts (FSP) Dr. I Ketut Garwa, S.Sn., M.Sn., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of FSP Dr. I Gede Yudarta, S.Skar., M.Si., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design (FSRD) Dr. I Made Pande Artadi, S.Sn., M.Sn., Coordinator of the Karawitan Study Program I Nyoman Kariasa, S.Sn., M.Sn., Coordinator of the Fine Arts Study Program Dr. I Wayan Setem, S.Sn., M.Sn., Coordinator of the Fashion Design Study Program Nyoman Dewi Pebriyani, ST., MA, Ph.D., and other invitees. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)

ISI Denpasar Host International Workshop ‘Matra-Manu-Citra’

ISI Denpasar Host International Workshop ‘Matra-Manu-Citra’

Exploring “New Painting on Drawing”

Photo: Rector of ISI Denpasar Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana alongside Rector of ASWARA Malaysia Prof. Ts. Dr. Ruslan Abdul Rahim, Vice Rector of ASWARA Malaysia for Academic Affairs Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Khairul Azril Ismail, and participants of ‘Matra-Manu-Citra’ International Workshop held at Wantilan Loka Widya Sabha, ISI Denpasar, on Thursday, January 25th.

The Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar (ISI Denpasar) hosted an International Workshop titled Matra-Manu-Citra. The workshop, held collaboratively between ISI Denpasar and the National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage (Akademi Seni Budaya dan Wawasan Kebangsaan or ASWARA) Malaysia, took place at Wantilan Loka Widya Sabha, ISI Denpasar, on Thursday, January 25, 2024. The “Matra-Manu-Citra” workshop is a realization of the Bali-Bhuwana-Kanti (Global-Bali Arts Network Project) under the Bali Padma Bhuwana IV scheme. ISI Denpasar featured two speakers, namely the Rector of ASWARA, Prof. Ts. Dr. Ruslan Abdul Rahim, and the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Khairul Azril Ismail. The workshop was attended by dozens of students from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at ISI Denpasar.

Photo: ASWARA Rector, Prof. Ts. Dr. Ruslan Abdul Rahim, with students during the ‘Matra-Manu-Citra’ International Workshop at Wantilan Loka Widya Sabha, ISI Denpasar, on Thursday, January 25th.

Rector of ISI Denpasar Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana explained that the workshop focused on the topic of “New Painting on Drawing” or the technique of painting using colored pencils that can be easily mixed and blended. Students had the opportunity to learn new painting techniques guided directly by the two competent speakers in the field of fine arts. “This workshop provides a rare opportunity for students to explore new techniques in painting and enrich their understanding of creativity in the visual arts,” said the Professor of Art History.

Photo: ASWARA Malaysia Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Khairul Azril Ismail, with participating students at the ‘Matra-Manu-Citra’ International Workshop at Wantilan Loka Widya Sabha, ISI Denpasar, on Thursday, January 25th.

ASWARA Rector Prof. Ts. Dr. Ruslan Abdul Rahim expressed his joy at seeing the extraordinary spirit and enthusiasm of ISI Denpasar students in participating in this workshop. He emphasized that the success of this workshop marks an important milestone in strengthening the relationship between ISI Denpasar and ASWARA Malaysia, while also making a significant contribution to the development of fine arts in both countries. “I am truly impressed by the spirit and dedication of ISI Denpasar students. Their active participation not only reflects a commitment to the global development of fine arts but also demonstrates cross-country collaboration in enriching culture and creativity in the art world,” he said. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)

Photo: ISI Denpasar Rector Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to ASWARA Malaysia Rector Prof. Ts. Dr. Ruslan Abdul Rahim at the ‘Matra-Manu-Citra’ International Workshop at Wantilan Loka Widya Sabha, ISI Denpasar, on Thursday, January 25th.

Photo: ISI Denpasar Rector Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to ASWARA Malaysia Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Khairul Azril Ismail at the ‘Matra-Manu-Citra’ International Workshop at Wantilan Loka Widya Sabha, ISI Denpasar, on Thursday, January 25th.

Diseminasi Karya Mahasiswa Darmasiswa RI ISI Denpasar

Dissemination of Darmasiswa RI Students’ Art Works at ISI Denpasar: Showcasing International Students’ Creativity

Photo: Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, the Rector of ISI Denpasar, alongside Darmasiswa students during the Dissemination of Darmasiswa Students’ Art Works held at Nata-Citta Art Space (N-CAS) ISI Denpasar, Wednesday (31/1).

Darmasiswa RI students of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Denpasar (ISI Denpasar) presented their works of learning in the Dissemination of Darmasiswa Students’ Art Works for the Academic Year 2023/2024. The dissemination titled “Manawa-Manah-Manu” took place at Nata-Citta Art Space (N-CAS) ISI Denpasar on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. This dissemination activity is a continuation of the Bali Nata Bhuwana Plus learning program.

The dissemination, presented through an exhibition and art performances, was participated in by 11 Darmasiswa students who had undergone lectures at ISI Denpasar for one semester. For the Academic Year 2023/2024, ISI Denpasar welcomed Darmasiswa RI students from nine countries, including one student each from Poland, Armenia, Jordan, Spain, Ukraine, Slovakia, Austria, Belarus, and three students from India. These international students attended lectures alongside regular ISI Denpasar students in various study programs.

Photograph: Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, the Rector of ISI Denpasar, reviewing Darmasiswa students’ artworks at Nata-Citta Art Space (N-CAS) ISI Denpasar, Wednesday (31/1).

The International Affairs Coordinator of ISI Denpasar, also the Chair of the “Manawa-Manah-Manu” Dissemination Organizing Committee, expressed that Darmasiswa students presented a dozen paintings in this exhibition. Besides the Darmasiswa students, a Global-Bali Arts Short Course student, Artemi Lykou, also showcased his paintings.

“This is an opportunity for Darmasiswa students at ISI Denpasar to showcase their artworks to the public after undergoing one semester of learning in the creative environment of ISI Denpasar,” said the English Language Lecturer.

Photo: Mariia Handzel and Florentina Gonzales, Darmasiswa students at ISI Denpasar, performing contemporary dance, Wednesday (31/1).

In addition to the painting exhibition, Darmasiswa students also presented various art performances. These included two contemporary dance performances by Mariia Handzel and Florentina Gonzales, along with Darmasiswa students from Udayana University, Nanoko Fujimura. Rajeev Kumar, an Indian Darmasiswa student, showcased his skills in playing the Tabla (a traditional Indian musical instrument).

The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, expressed pride in the enthusiasm of these international students in disseminating their learning outcomes at ISI Denpasar. Prof. Kun emphasized the importance of international collaboration in embracing and appreciating the diversity of arts, acknowledging that such achievements are the result of close cooperation and mutual understanding among students from various cultural backgrounds.

“I highly appreciate the enthusiasm and dedication of Darmasiswa students in presenting their best artworks. This is evidence of the close cross-cultural cooperation within the ISI Denpasar campus environment,” said the Senior Professor of Art History.

Prof. Kun hopes that in the upcoming semester, Darmasiswa students can create even more stunning works. ISI Denpasar is committed to providing full support for the development of students’ talents and creative potentials, while encouraging them to innovate and strive for excellence continually.

The “Manawa-Manah-Manu” Dissemination was enlivened by a Cultural Dialogue activity. Moderated by Ni Putu Tisna Andayani, S.S., M.Hum, the discussion provided an interactive platform for students to share their experiences during their studies at ISI Denpasar.

Photo: Mariia Handzel alongside Darmasiswa students from Udayana University, Nanoko Fujimura, performing contemporary dance, Wednesday (31/1).

Darmasiswa student from India, Rajeev Kumar, shared his experience during his studies at ISI Denpasar. He recounted facing several challenges upon his arrival at ISI Denpasar as he had to adapt to a new environment. However, he was grateful to have successfully completed this first semester. “We finish this first semester with wonderful moments. We had dance performances and displayed our paintings,” said the Karawitan Program Darmasiswa.

Rajeev expressed his admiration for the beauty of Balinese art. Learning Balinese arts, particularly Karawitan, was an extraordinary experience for him. As a beginner in learning Karawitan, Rajeev was captivated by the complexity of Balinese traditional music, which connected him to a meaningful artistic heritage. “Bali’s art is truly captivating and inspiring,” he remarked.

Photo: Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, the Rector of ISI Denpasar, alongside Darmasiswa students during the Dissemination of Darmasiswa Students’ Works at ISI Denpasar event, Wednesday (31/1).

As information, the Darmasiswa RI Program is a non-degree scholarship offered to all foreign students from countries with diplomatic relations with Indonesia to study language, arts, and culture. This program is organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu). The Darmasiswa RI Program aims to promote and increase interest in Indonesian language and culture among youth from other countries. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)
