Photo: Lango Wara (Alumni Art Performance) titled Nandurin Karang Awak in the Opening of Bali Citta Samasta (Alumni Art Festival) 2024 at Natya Mandala ISI Denpasar, Tuesday, March 19, 2024, evening.
Indonesia Institute of the Arts (ISI) Denpasar held Bali Citta Samasta (Alumni Art Festival). The festival entitled Manawa-Prabawa-Manu (Pulpit of the Noble Generation) was opened by the Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana at Natya Mandala ISI Denpasar, Tuesday, March 19, 2024, evening.
Bali Citta Samasta will be held for 15 days, from March 19 to April 2, 2024. This inaugural alumni art festival presents several programs, namely Lango Wara (Alumni Art Performance), Citta Karaman Adinugraha (Highly Dedicated and Contributing Alumni Awards), Rupa Wara (Visual Art Exhibition), Kanti Wara (Alumni Gathering), Waskita Wara (Art-Design Discussions), Charma Wara (Mural Art Workshop), and Sewaka Wara (Alumni Initiative Space).

Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, opening Bali Citta Samasta (Alumni Art Festival) 2024 at Natya Mandala ISI Denpasar, Tuesday, March 19, 2024, evening.
Head of the Research Institute, Community Service, and Education Quality Assurance, Dr. Drs. I Wayan Suardana, M.Sn, in his report stated that participants of the Alumni Art Festival are graduates of the years 2019 and 2024. Bali Citta Samasta is held in an effort to strengthen bonds of friendship and serve as a creative space for exchange of ideas and thoughts among alumni. Dr. Suardana added that Bali Citta Samasta provides a good opportunity for ISI Denpasar to conduct tracer studies and satisfaction surveys of ISI Denpasar’s services. This is in support of meeting Key Performance Indicators (KPI) 1.
“Bali Citta Samasta is an important momentum for us to strengthen alumni networks and encourage collaboration among generations. Through this festival, we hope to build closer relationships among alumni, create space for the exchange of ideas and experiences, and give recognition to those who have shown high dedication and contribution to the world of art,” he said.

Photo: The Rector of ISI Denpasar and the Head of KCU Denpasar BPD Bali presenting the Citta Karaman Adinugraha Awards to 5 alumni in the opening of Bali Citta Samasta (Alumni Art Festival) 2024 at Natya Mandala ISI Denpasar, Tuesday, March 19, 2024, evening.
In the opening of Bali Citta Samasta, the Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, presented the Citta Karaman Adinugraha Awards to five alumni who have shown high dedication and contribution. They are Composer and Founder of Gamelan Pesel I Wayan Arik Wirawan, S.Sn., M.Sn., Choreographer and Founder of Sanggar Kerta_Art Ni Komang Ayu Ananta Putri, S.Sn, M.Sn., Designer and Sculptor I Komang Gde ‘Kedux’ Sentana Putra, S.Sn., Film Director Herda Martin Dwi Angga, S.Tr.Sn., and Contemporary Artist I Made Muliana ‘Bayak’, S.Sn.
The Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan ‘Kun’ Adnyana, in his speech, expressed his utmost appreciation to all ISI Denpasar alumni. The event of Bali Citta Samasta was initiated with the understanding that the good name of ISI Denpasar in the hearts of society is entirely due to the actions of its alumni.
“Alumni are arrows of civilization, they penetrate and carve their culture, along with their knowledge and good intentions to build their environment wherever they are,” said this Professor of Art History.

Photo: Atmosphere of the opening of Bali Citta Samasta (Alumni Art Festival) 2024 at Natya Mandala ISI Denpasar, Tuesday, March 19, 2024, evening.
The Rector of ISI Denpasar revealed that Bali Citta Samasta is a space of pride for the achievements that alumni have attained. This former Head of the Bali Provincial Cultural Office admitted to often being moved and delighted to hear many ISI Denpasar alumni names shining everywhere, delivering the best and becoming inspirations for young people. “Bali Citta Samasta carries the meaning that from Bali, we raise the spirit and aspirations for a beautiful universe through the creative works and innovative dedication that you all do. This still relatively small space is dedicated to each individual alumni to always join hands in advancing Indonesian art, design, and culture,” he said. (ISIDps/Humas-RT)