On Saturday (27/11/2021) held in the courtroom of ISI Denpasar rectorate building, the Matching Fund 2021 Research Result Dissemination program entitled ‘Diversification of Balinese Colors for Development of Paint Finishing on Interior and Modern Architecture Design’. Dr. A A. Gede Rai Remawa as the Chief Researcher, consisting of Dr. I Made Pande Artadi, I Kadek Dwi Noorwatha, M.Ds, Toddy Hendrawan Yupardhi, M.Ds and Putu Ari Darmastuti, M.Sn; all of which came from the ISI Denpasar Interior Design Study Program.
The event was attended by invitations from Bali Provincial Culture Service, Bali Provincial Perbekel (Head of the Village) Forum, HDII Bali, practitioners, alumni and students as well as DUDI Partners in this Matching Fund program, namely Ir. I Kadek Sosiawan, M. Arst as director of CV. Racana Design.
It was revealed in the event that Balinese color is the development of Balinese paint or traditional dyes for coloring traditional Balinese art, namely mask (tapel) coloring made from natural materials. It is dominated by stone and other organic materials, such as: Deluga, Atal, Taum, Pere, Kencu, Mangsi, Bone/Horn. Those materials diversified in a modern way, so that the intensity of the obtained paint finishing color is relevant to modern interior architecture.
The Balinese colors diversification process is carried out by the students at the ISI Denpasar Interior Design Studio as the pioneer of the ISI Denpasar Bali Color Laboratory Research Center. The participants, especially from HDII and practitioners, hope that the results of this research will be disseminated massively and widely in order to strengthen Balinese identity in interior design and modern architecture and also to preserve Balinese visual culture, especially Balinese colors.