Setelah meraih 5 penghargaan puncak Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU), pada penghujung tahun 2024 ini ISI Denpasar kembali memenangkan 5 Penghargaan Nasional Anugerah Diktisaintek. Kelima penghargaan tersebut, yakni 2 Anugerah Peringkat Silver untuk kategori Pelaporan PDDikti dan Kerja Sama Dunia Industri, serta 3 Anugerah Peringkat Bronze untuk kategori Laman, Kerja Sama Internasional, dan Pers Mahasiswa.
Penghargaan diterima langsung Rektor ISI Denpasar, Prof. Kun Adnyana didampingi Wakil Rektor Bidang Umum dan Keuangan, Dr. Drs. I Ketut Muka, M.Si, serta mahasiswa peraih peringkat Bronze pada kategori Pers Mahasiswa, Dewa Gede Satya Adi Maha Utamia pada acara Anugerah Diktisaintek 2024 di Gedung Graha Diktisaintek, Kemdiktisaintek Jakarta, Jumat (13/12).
Setali raihan penghargaan nasional, prestasi ISI Denpasar kian purna atas keberhasilan Akreditasi Unggul 2 program studi, yaitu Prodi Pedalangan dan Prodi Produksi Film dan Televisi. Keberhasilan ini ditetapkan melalui sertifikat akreditasi dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT), dengan nomor 6715/SK/BAN-PT/Ak.KP/S/XI/2024 untuk Program Studi Pedalangan, dan nomor 7198/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/STr/XII/2024 untuk Program Studi Produksi Film dan Televisi.
Photo Caption: Rector of ISI Denpasar, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Adnyana, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to France, Y.M. Mohamad Oemar, with the Waruna Mukti Dwipantara performance team at the Fête de L’Archipel at the InterContinental Paris Hotel, on October 4, 2023.
The Indonesian Arts Institute (ISI) Denpasar (Bali) continues to strengthen the realization of its educational outcomes on the international stage. After involving four groups of faculty, educational staff, and students in a community service activity in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, it recently participated in the prestigious “Fête de l’Archipel” (Festival of the Archipelago) by presenting a performance of Indonesian traditional dance and a fashion show titled Waruna Mukti Dwipantara, held at the InterContinental Paris Hotel in France, on October 4, 2023.
ISI Denpasar’s participation was by invitation from the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to France, Y.M. Mohamad Oemar. Prior to the performance, a workshop on gamelan and dance was held with the Gamelan Panca Indera Paris group, which consists of seven Balinese and Javanese gamelan players from France.
The Festival of the Archipelago, organized by the Indonesian Embassy in Paris, includes a range of activities, such as economic and trade promotion, culinary exhibitions, business forums, and cultural evenings. It also involves the government, business groups, Indonesian communities, and the diaspora.
Ambassador Oemar mentioned that the festival aims to enhance bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and France. The events held during the festival serve as an effort to promote potential areas of collaboration, including in education and culture. “ISI Denpasar plays an important role in representing the wealth of Indonesian art and culture, which can be enjoyed by the audience in Paris,” said the Ambassador, who is also Indonesia’s Permanent Delegate to UNESCO.
Waruna Mukti Dwipantara is an innovative new creation, a performance of Indonesian arts developed by ISI Denpasar’s faculty and students. This work blends aesthetic elements of Nusantara dance and music with modern academic innovations, highlighting the theme of the maritime glory of the archipelago.
The Rector of ISI Denpasar and leader of the performance team, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Adnyana, S.Sn., M.Sn., explained that the performance is part of the Global-Bali Arts and Creativity Centre Hub (G-BACCH) program, Bali Nata Bhuwana Internasional. This program is a realization of the learning outcomes of ISI Denpasar students. The festival served as a platform to disseminate these outcomes internationally. “This event aligns with ISI Denpasar’s vision of becoming a center of excellence in arts and culture, grounded in local wisdom with a universal outlook,” said the rector, who is affectionately called Prof. Kun.
He added that the artistic presentation, which reflects the unique cultural characteristics of various regions in Indonesia, was combined with a fashion show. The performance was prepared by ISI Denpasar’s faculty and students since September 2023, with intensive rehearsals for the best performance.
The Waruna Mukti Dwipantara performance began with a Gambang Suling concert and Oleg Tamulilingan dance, followed by a medley titled Nusantara Murti, featuring Gambyong, Mandau, and Janger dances. The peak of the event featured the Waruna Mukti Dwipantara dance, which tells the story of the Kingdom of Kutai in East Kalimantan, with King Mulawarman and his queen, steering the ship of the kingdom’s glory, until the current Indonesian leadership’s efforts to build the new capital city, Nusantara.
The entire performance was presented by 10 ISI Denpasar students. These included five students from the Dance Department: Made Lola Giarda Putri, Ni Putu Vania Dea Amelinda, Putu Devi Kariasih, I Komang Aswinka Krisnanda, and I Made Yuandika Pramudia; and five students from the Karawitan (Gamelan) Department: I Kadek Anggra Dwianta, Made Dwi Nadyanta Smara, I Dewa Gede Rama Aditya Suputra, I Kadek Agus Erwan Maherwan, and Ni Putu Shinta Mahadewi. Also involved in the performance were Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Prof. Dr. I Komang Sudirga, S.Sn., Karawitan faculty member Saptono, S.Sen., M.Si, and Laboratory Head of Karawitan, I Made Dwi Andika Putra, S.Sn., M.Sn.
The accompanying gamelan music for the performance used Gong Semarandana, combined with Javanese gamelan, and was played by ISI Denpasar’s musicians in collaboration with the Panca Indra Arts Community in Paris.
In addition to the Nusantara dance performance, a fashion show featuring a collection by Nata Kerti Fashion Designer was also presented. Seven outfits made from endek fabric with a dominant maroon color were showcased during the event. These designs, created by faculty and students from ISI Denpasar’s Fashion Design Program, were modeled by students I Komang Pramudia Indraswara and Ni Kadek Pradnyawati, alongside other models.
The performance was attended by Ambassador Y.M. Mohamad Oemar, Ambassador of Indonesia to UNESCO Prof. Dr. Ismunandar, Education and Cultural Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Paris Dr. Ni Luh Anik Mayani, French government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, business people, academics, and the Indonesian community in Paris.
Ambassador Oemar expressed his appreciation for the Nusantara dance and fashion show presented by ISI Denpasar. He stated that the audience was deeply impressed by the performance, particularly the harmonious blend of dance and gamelan, which effectively conveyed the intended story. The fashion showcased the distinctiveness of traditional Balinese woven fabric. “Everyone who witnessed the performance greatly enjoyed it. It was indeed a beautifully presented work,” he remarked.
Oemar also expressed his gratitude to the Rector of ISI Denpasar for attending the invitation and preparing the performance. “This is an exceptional support from ISI Denpasar for the Indonesian Embassy’s program,” he concluded at the end of the event. (ISIDps/Public Relations).
Dekan Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) ISI Denpasar Dr Anak Agung Gde Bagus Udayana SSn, MSi (Antaranews Bali/istimewa/2020)Denpasar (ANTARA) – Wakil Gubernur Bali Prof Dr Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati MSi menjadi salah satu tim penguji dalam ujian tugas akhir mahasiswa Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar di kampus setempat, di Denpasar, Senin.
“Saya merasa berbahagia sekali dapat kesempatan ikut berpartisipasi dalam menguji adik-adik kita mahasiswa ISI Denpasar karena memang background saya sebelumnya 35 tahun juga sebagai dosen di Universitas Udayana,” kata Wagub Bali yang kini juga menjadi salah satu guru besar di ISI Denpasar itu.
Menurut wagub, tidak ada masalah ujian tugas akhir mahasiswa tersebut dilakukan secara tatap muka langsung, meskipun di tengah pandemi COVID-19 karena sudah menerapkan protokol kesehatan dengan ketat dan juga tetap menjaga jarak.
Apalagi, ujar dia, ruangan di ISI Denpasar sudah memiliki ventilasi dan sirkulasi udara yang baik sehingga “aman” dengan diisi sekitar enam hingga tujuh orang dalam satu ruang ujian, dengan jarak tempat duduk yang cukup jauh.
Wagub Bali yang akrab dipanggil Cok Ace itu menitipkan pesan kepada para mahasiswa yang telah mengikuti ujian tugas akhir untuk terus berkreasi dan berinovasi, namun tetap memperhatikan koridor akademik sebagai dasar kajian dan pertimbangan.
Sementara itu Dekan Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) ISI Denpasar Dr Anak Agung Gde Bagus Udayana SSn, MSi mengatakan memang ujian tugas akhir dilaksanakan secara tatap muka, namun tetap dengan mematuhi protokol kesehatan, sesuai dengan petunjuk dan arahan Satuan Tugas Penanganan COVID-19 Kota Denpasar.
“Namun, jika ada mahasiswa yang kena dampak COVID-19, misalnya sedang dikarantina atau yang lainnya, ujian tugas akhir bisa melalui daring,” ujarnya.
Ujian tugas akhir mahasiswa FSRD ISI Denpasar dijadwalkan berlangsung dari 27 Juli-11 Agustus mendatang, yang total akan diikuti 176 mahasiswa dengan rincian dari Prodi Seni Murni (12), Prodi Kriya (2), Prodi Desain Interior (20), Prodi Desain Komunikasi Visual (62), Prodi Fotografi (14), Prodi Desain Mode (48), dan Prodi Produksi Film dan Televisi (18).
“Kita patut berbangga, pada hari ini, kita juga memiliki profesor di desain interior, yang juga seorang Wakil Gubernur Bali, turut menguji tugas akhir mahasiswa di Jurusan Desain Interior,” katanya.
Oleh karena situasi pandemi COVID-19, Udayana mengatakan untuk penyajian tugas akhir mahasiswa juga dilakukan melalui daring melalui berbagai platform media sosial seperti Instagram, Facebook dan media sosial lainnya.
“Mudah-mudahan ujian dapat berjalan sesuai dengan yang sudah kami rencanakan sampai tanggal 11 Agustus mendatang,” ucapnya didampingi Humas ISI Denpasar I Gede Eko Jaya Utama, SE, MM itu.
Wagub Bali Prof Dr Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati MSi dan Dekan Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain (FSRD) ISI Denpasar Dr Anak Agung Gde Bagus Udayana SSn, MSi (Antaranews Bali/Ni Luh Rhisma/2020)
Kiriman : Dr. Kadek Suartaya, S.S.Kar., M.Si ( Dosen Seni Pertunjukan ISI Denpasar )
Berkesenian adalah keseharian masyarakat Bali. Menabuh gamelan, menari, melukis, menembang adalah rutinitas yang mengasyikkan dan dilakoni dengan suka cita oleh orang Bali. Di pulau ini kesenian adalah persembahan, ibadah dan sekaligus ekspresi estetik. Taksu seni budaya Bali memiliki kontribusi penting pada ajeg lestarinya peradaban Bali.