Photo: Global Engagement Manager, University of Western Australia (UWA), Onna Evdokimoff (4th from the right) and Head of the Academic, Student Affairs, Planning, and Cooperation Bureau, Dr. I Komang Arba Wirawan, S.Sn., M.Si (4th from the left), along with officials and staff at ISI Denpasar.
Global Engagement Manager at the University of Western Australia (UWA), Onna Evdokimoff, paid a visit to the Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Denpasar (ISI Denpasar) on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. The visit was warmly received by Dr. I Komang Arba Wirawan, S.Sn., M.Si, the Head of the Academic, Student Affairs, Planning, and Cooperation Bureau, at the Lounge of ISI Denpasar. Also in attendance were Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Sudibya, SST., M.Sn., the Head of the General and Financial Bureau, Ni Putu Tisna Andayani, S.S., M.Hum, the Coordinator of the International Affairs Center, Dr. Drs. I Wayan Suardana, M.Sn., the Chairman of LP2MPP, Dr. I Gede Yudarta, S.Skar., M.Si., the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Performing Arts, Dr. I Made Pande Artadi, S.Sn., M.Sn., Putu Gede Satria Kharismawan, M.Sn, a lecturer in the Visual Communication Design Study Program, and the Public Relations team from ISI Denpasar, Ni Komang Artini, S.S., and Ni Luh Rara Tian Anyar Sari, S.S.
Onna Evdokimoff mentioned that her visit aimed to explore the continuation of the collaboration between UWA and ISI Denpasar, as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU was signed by the Rector of ISI Denpasar and the Vice Counsellor of UWA in April 2023. The proposed collaboration includes student exchanges, faculty exchanges, short courses, and other programs. She expressed UWA’s strong interest in learning about Balinese arts, design, landscape, and architecture. “We look forward to collaborating with ISI Denpasar in the future. It can lead to exciting opportunities for mutual growth and achievement,” she said.
Dr. I Komang Arba Wirawan welcomed the representatives from the University of Western Australia. He mentioned that there were numerous collaboration possibilities between ISI Denpasar and UWA, such as joint research, organizing seminars or academic conferences, and more. He also introduced the International Community Engagement Program – Nata Citta Bhuwana (PKMI-NCB), which targets schools to provide art education. “This program has been implemented in Malaysia recently. Hopefully, we can implement it in Australia in the future in collaboration with UWA,” Dr. Arba expressed.
Onna shared her excitement about visiting ISI Denpasar. She was impressed by the campus’s architectural design, deeply rooted in Balinese art and culture. She took the opportunity to explore the campus of ISI Denpasar, including a visit to the museum and library in the Lata Mahosadhi Building. Onna also had the chance to participate in eco-printing activities with students from the Fashion Design Program at ISI Denpasar. (ISIDps/Public Relations)
Global Engagement Manager, University of Western Australia (UWA), Onna Evdokimoff visited the Indonesian Institute of Arts (ISI) Denpasar, Wednesday, October 4, 2023. This visit was received by the Head of the Bureau Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation, Dr. I Komang Arba Wirawan, S.Sn., M.Si at the ISI Denpasar Lounge Room. Also present were the Head of the General and Finance Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Sudibya, SST., M.Sn., Coordinator of the Center for International Affairs Ni Putu Tisna Andayani, S.S., M.Hum, Chairman of LP2MPP, Dr. Drs. I Wayan Suardana, M.Sn., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Performing Arts, Dr. I Gede Yudarta, S.Skar., M.Si., Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Art and Design, Dr. I Made Pande Artadi, S.Sn., M.Sn., Lecturer of Visual Communication Design Study Program, Putu Gede Satria Kharismawan, M.Sn, and Public Relations of ISI Denpasar, Ni Komang Artini, S.S., and Ni Luh Rara Tian Anyar Sari, S.S.
Onna Evdokimoff conveyed this visit in order to explore the continuation of cooperation between UWA and ISI Denpasar which has been contained in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU has been signed by the Rector of ISI Denpasar and Vice Counsellor of UWA in April 2023. The cooperation offered, among others, student exchanges, lecturer exchanges, short courses, and other programs. He admitted that UWA was very interested in learning about Balinese art, design, landscape, and architecture. “We look forward to collaborating with ISI Denpasar in the future. It can lead to exciting opportunities for mutual growth and achievement,” she said.
The Head of the Bureau of Academic, Student Affairs, Planning and Cooperation Dr. I Komang Arba Wirawan, S.Sn., M.Si is welcomed the arrival of representatives of the University of Western Australia. According to him, there are many collaborations that can be carried out by ISI Denpasar and UWA, such as joint research, organizing seminars or scientific conferences, and so on. He also offers the International Community Service program – Nata Citta Bhuwana (PKMI-NCB). This program is implemented by targeting schools to provide art learning. “This program has been implemented in Malaysia some time ago. Hopefully it can be implemented in Australia in the future in collaboration with UWA, “he said.
Onna expressed her gratitude in visiting ISI Denpasar. She admitted that she was fascinated by the campus architecture which is very thick with Balinese art and culture. She took the time to explore the ISI Denpasar campus. She visited the museum and library in the Lata Mahosadhi Building. Onna also had the opportunity to participate in making eco-printing with students of Fashion Design Study Program, ISI Denpasar. (ISIDps/PR).

Photo: Onna Evdokimoff trying to make eco-printing with students of Fashion Design Study Program ISI Denpasar.
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